Oh, my comment got deleted. I got hit by the Cloudfare robot of death thing on the one day out of the decade that Firefox disabled Ankh field-filling backups.
That's how I feel. No matter how hard I try, resistance increases geometrically. Write, get deleted. Speak, get ignored. Do, get shouted down. Explore, get threatened. Ah, if only I gave up. Sat back and took drugs like everyone else, feel happy, feel validated while getting nothing done....
Yes, sir! No, sir! Of course, sir! Market doesn't want that airfoil of increased efficiency, says it hurts property values because it's ugly? Excellent idea, sir, I'll shred the plasma physics research posthaste, I'm sorry I ever wasted your department funds on that, back to oil internal combustion engines, oh yes sir! You're placing a request to give yourself a raise? You go get 'em, sir!
Ah, if only the world worked like it did in this chapter...
... if only math was enough to persuade. No; it is beside the point. Once demoralized, never again re-moralizable. Ah, I hate everything.
In the fantasy, hope is your intrinsic. In the real world, hope is pattern-matched to the thought-stopping cliche called childish nonsense and incomprehensibility. In the fantasy, hope begets tears. In the real world, hope inspires frothing of the mouth and spittle-flinging red-faced mind-killing rage. In the fantasy, hope is science and magic. In the real world, hope is scientism and love for our eternal ally, South Asia, and contempt for our bitter enemy, Eurasia.
So they were basically a volcano's caldera that sank. Wishy-washy and nonsense because the minimum ground level of the wall should have been the depth of the wall or so, but whatever, artistic license, was nice.
@Disguised22 Ah, no, I'm like that all the time! I actually have no idea what I was talking about. I have no idea what Koi no Kami-sama is. I'm very confused right now. Why did you and I log-in to mangadex nearly contemporaneously? Hrm, what synchronicity! Lizards!
EDIT Oh son of a gun, I remember this comic! Thank you, I wouldn't have remembered it otherwise! This is certainly one of my favorites.