I mean hes gathered the resolve and is trying to break up. But she notices so shes trying to prolong/convince him not to. It's hard for anyone, not to mention a young teenager, to hurt someone you really care about even if the decision is correct so any hesitation he has is naturalStop being wishy washy dang it!! Talk about it, communication is the key either choose one or no at all, or or even better go to middle East or somewhere that allow polygamy and get married there
Absolutely this. I've seen decent hype about it with trailers and early episode reactions, and all I could think of is what a trainwreck this series is and if I remembered early chapters right since I recall it being like this from the beginning. To me, it's only a slightly lesser dumpster fire than His Girlfriend.Shout out to the people who thought they're watching a romcom when the 1st episode aired.