Koibito wa Oni no Hime - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020
@Abedeus on her who basically put a curse on him for most his life? It won't kill her. But it's warranted enough for me. You can have your own opinion. Oh and they did say it won't have any effect if she's human. Unless I read it wrong.
Aggregator gang
Jun 23, 2019
Agreed on this chapter having a really good scene, kinda sad that her affection is the twisted kind though.

Thanks for the chapter translators~
Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2020

Mah man, escape to the other side of the Universe! RIGHT NOW!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2019
So I understand not wanting to drug your friend/ potential love interest - that’s the normal thing to do. But if there was a chance this person was responsible for making me look like a massive sex offender when I did nothing to deserve it, I don’t think I would feel so conflicted about it at all
Sep 5, 2019
I know he is going to forgive her and the atendant/brother in the end. But it would be ever so refreshing if he actually cut of all contact with them.
Aug 8, 2019
ughhh.. i hate this MC.. i dont wanna torture myself reading this anymore so ill drop it now
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I feel like the author failed to establish the childhood friend as “likable” or even “redeemable” and didn’t notice themselves. Her actions are pretty messed up and unforgivable. She’s been basically causing the mc mental and emotional trauma as all girls unjustly hate him because of the curse. Meanwhile she herself hasn’t been getting close to the mc (or apparently has never even talked to him alone before now). What was even her plan? Keep this up until the MC kills himself? This curse would have actually made it pretty impossible for him to live. As he became an adult he could face persecution (he’d just have to accidentally touch 1 highschool/underaged girl in public) and no workplace would hire him because he’d be far too much of a legal danger. I’d feel differently if the childhood friend had the balls to ask the MC out and date him while she had no competition or actually placed a helpful curse on the mc (something that wouldn’t let him be harmed intentionally or by accident). Not to mention for her to keep up the curse for all these years she just has to be the worst person out there without any capacity for empathy or to grow. I’d get setting the curse as a little girl who’s experiencing love for the first time and overwhelmed with jealousy (and has way too much power for a kid), but she should have lifted it as she grew and DEFINITELY as she constantly heard the mc talk about how much he hated it and saw how poorly it affected his mental and emotional health. For that matter where are her parents and guardians? You can’t just leave a kid with that much power to do whatever without an guidance or teaching. There even more so should have been at least a couple of adults there teaching her how irresponsible that curse was and telling her if she really loved him to reverse it. I mean I like Yandere (more than I should probably admit), but this is too far even for me. Her actions aren’t cute or romantic; they’re just straight up hurtful and psychotic.

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