Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1

Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2018
Now, I could easily point out how maybe using “trannies” and “transvestites” in order to trivialise the importance of identity isn’t very, uh, good?
@moikkai I did know about "trannies" being SO OFFENSIVE, but didn't know that "transvestite" is now too, lol. But I'm not surprised, "Trap" is "terrible" slur as well.
if you read this and at least questioned your position for a brief moment
Okay, mom, I will be a good boy from now on and I will reflect on my behaviour.
I used to construct the exact same arguments, but eventually they fell apart
So you succumbed to heresy... HANS!
Firstly, ‘psychology’ was right next to it.
For example, since you suggested that physics actually argues against NB people
Where? You accuse me in logical mistakes later on and yet you do the same thing by attributing to me something I didn't said. My whole point was quite obvious, "Your analogy with Physics is bad", and that comparison is notwithstanding. Yet you keep clinging to Physics. I can't argue of the rest you said because my knowledge in Quantum Physics is lacking(there almost none).
I think you’ve never given any of this the benefit of the doubt.
Why should I? That way maybe I should consider furry degenerates as a legitimate thing? You know, their other-kin stuff. I don't think so.
It would a great leap in logic to assume that something being subjective undermines its core validity. Imagine telling your lover that you are depressed because your body does not match your mind and, in fact, no body ever will (because, yes, NB individuals can and do experience dysphoria). In the face of that, ignorantly saying something like “feelings are subjective” in response, is plain unhealthy. Now, that was an appeal to emotion, let’s try something more analytical next.
Valid or non valid is not the point. Why should I care about feelings of every freak?
Imagine telling your lover that you are depressed because your body does not match your mind and, in fact, no body ever will (because, yes, NB individuals can and do experience dysphoria). In the face of that, ignorantly saying something like “feelings are subjective” in response, is plain unhealthy. Now, that was an appeal to emotion, let’s try something more analytical next.
Now you do it again. Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad personam. At least you do admit it yourself.
Yeah, I do agree that what you described is not the best course of action. Yet it doesn't make your point more valid.
let’s try something more analytical next.
For example, since you suggested that physics actually argues against NB people
Yeah, totally more analytical... See above.
Then again most philosophies dismiss objectivity altogether, so let’s not get into that.
Yeah-yeah, sorry but I do know that person's opinion is subjective by default.
At the same time however, I would argue that some people cover themselves with claims of objectivity and realism to get their point across. I’m not saying that’s you but introspection is never unhealthy, right?
You misinterpret my words. Now you getting at that I hide behind so called objectivity. No. My point is more a selfish one. If mine and other person views on gender are subjective, why must I yield to that person side? There's still no certainty in this matter in science(Expect there's is people who call themselves like that therefore - they exist). Yes, it may be totally affirmed, or discarded.

Also, the reason you may think they’re “attention-seeking” is because… they are. And should be. No matter if you’re straight or gay, chances are you have a place in society. It’s not really like that for GBGQ individuals; ever gotten a fundamental part of your being invalidated by a random stranger? I think it happens to everyone at least once, but imagine just how shitty it would be to go through that every single day.
And? This is just another Appeal to emotion. I don't Pity people who suffer because of their stupidity and never-wavering self-belief.
Which leads me to my next point. You seem to have a firm belief that it’s some sort of aesthetic, and to be frank it’s surprisingly difficult to make an eloquent case against this simple-sounding claim, so do pardon me: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IT FUCKING SUCKS PRONOUNS ARE LAME AS SHIT WHO CARES.
And yet they found themselves caring.
Wow, people can care of made up stuff, how surprising.
As I pointed out in my other comment, there’s no core appeal that cannot be found elsewhere. Now, I’m gonna project here somewhat but, frankly, if I could substitute not being able to look down in the shower with some obscure Tumblr werewolf kink, I would. There’s nothing to be gained by being “different” alone, that high your 13yo self gets when he thinks he might be different only lasts for a brief while and is quickly replaced by a sea of doubts and occasional but never relenting existential dread. I can at least attest that I personally did not at all wish for this, and was actively trying to repress it. It just wasn’t up to me.
I didn't understand a thing there.
You may not have thought this through but I assume you meant to add “going by the criteria of reproductive hormones alone instead of the slim but very real possibility of varying chromosome combinations” right?
No. I said what I said. Intersex falls under binary system as combination of two female pseudohermaphrodites, male pseudohermaphrodites and true hermaphrodite.
Which is disorder of sex development. But oh no, turns out it's offensive to say like that. How surprising
. Their existence don't prove non-binaries.
You have these kind of feelings yourself, most likely. You’ve just never been confronted with them because you’re not an extreme outlier. And don’t take me wrong, that’s a happy thing.
Yes, I want to be a trans-dragon. Hoarding tons tons of gold, demanding human sacrifices in my honor etc. You know, dragon stuff.
Anyway, Is this a plain ad hominen or is it just my imagination? Whatever.
But the reality of the situation is that you have no vetted authority or personal experience that would enable you to call someone else a pretender.
Do I even need one? I don't. I saw a lot of people who start their argument with "As a "whatever" person i think...". Basically implying that your affiliation to something gives your argument more weight in the matter. Meh.
I call them pretenders because I'm not yet convinced they aren't. Thankfully I'm not from a country of "freedom" when if you say something that other people may not like it's instantly claimed to be a hate speech. The only authority here is the mods. Which do mark some of my comments as moderated. Even the innocent ones. Looks like trannies hit Report button hard enough. Yet, I'm still not banned.
Oh and I almost forgot; exceptions can easily be a rule if they happen with enough frequency.
If it's become a regular thing, it's not exception anymore.
How in the fuck did you manage to write multiple sentences consisting solely of baseless ad-hominem, there's not even any new point being made here.
Baseless? No. You just don't want to see it. Appeal to the Person? Yes. But there no argument just personal thoughts. And why is there should be an argument? It was an simple answer to your question, which wasn't an argument at all. And sharing my view on some peoples behaviour. Too many make-believers here and share my opinion that I disagree with them? I can't because on no some tranny' feeling who so desperate for representation might be hurt?. Seems like you just desperately want to find mistakes in my argument where there's none(argument and mistakes because their no argument to begin with).
it’s funny how you of all people would use the word demagogy, especially after the last couple sentences you spouted.
Says the person whose favourite thing is appealing to feelings and analogy as argument. Heh.
Surveys are a legitimate form of research so
Yes, they are.
unless you don’t believe most studies on things like unreported sexual assault or rape, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Debatable. Some people just like to play victim considering how over-sensitive some online communities is. And it's far easier to lie online then IRL from psychological perspective. So my views on online surveys are rather sceptical.
It’s the feelings thing again, isn’t it? Come up with something different already.
No. Why should I come up with something different just because you don't like what I already said?

Younger individuals are more open-minded and accepting of new ideas if it can explain what they’re going through? Yeah, no shit.
Young people in the search of themselves tend to flow together into subcultures, tend to express themselves as much as they can and don't wont to be ordinary. Getting older they often don't affiliate with it anymore. Non-binary pretenders a great example of it.

This is the best one. You fail to see where your fault lies. Here’s a thought experiment, compare your attitude right now to the classical 50s “my son BECAME gay because x” mentality.
Mm, great another shit-tier comparison. Too bad homosexuality existed through millennium of human history and had different views by society in different nation at different times. Non-binary pretenders emerged recently and spread solely because of Americo-Canadian fanfictions and other belivers. It's a fucking cult, and if don't worship one you're a heretic bigot. Fine by me though.
And yes, you’re gonna get called ignorant if you’re ignorant.
How convincing to call anyone who disagree with an ignorant bigot.
That’s a convenient way to avoid the problem at hand, isn’t it?
And what the problem is there? People don't want to indulge delusions of attentionwhores? Not a problem for me at least.
So what you’re saying is “Science is often wrong and then like… it corrects itself… pieces of shit”?
What I'm saying that your non-binary trash may be dismissed in the future like homosexuality as a illness was dismissed in the past. Or the opposite may happen, can't deny it.
Hey, I mean, at least you’re only a part-time bigot right-
I would go full time if i could. But no one pays for it. Shame.
oh look its blatant & casual shaming, thats always fun
Oh look, over-sensitive snowflake find an obvious joke offensive, who would have thought.

But I think we both can agree on something - all this conversation led to nothing. I'm not even slightly moved. Either my stubbornness kicks in or you just bad at it.
The End.
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Jul 26, 2019
Any manga with a hint of LGBT in it needs to have people arguing in absurd amounts of wall text. Good god I come here for funny comments not this garbage!

This manga though, is great!
Double-page supporter
Jun 4, 2018
Good god I come here for funny comments not this garbage!
@nino103106 here's your order, sir. Is this funny enough for you?
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Group Leader
Oct 7, 2019
please. bring. back. sly. hiura.

series ded without sly hiura from preserialization
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
This is comment section not a fckng Gender studies class you all dimwits
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 31, 2019
Y'all reading a TS manga and commenting on it, but y'all getting your panties in a twist because it's, um, TS. WAT?

Looks like a bunch of villages are missing their idiot...
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Your debate has started to derail the thread; please take it elsewhere or drop it, for the benefit of others, per rule 5.1.6.

@Insignificant The implication of "I haven't been banned yet so the mods must approve of my opinions" is not sound logic.
Political and philosophical debate and sharing your opinion is fine; writing your argument in an offensive, inflammatory tone and language falls looking to anger or frustrate others is trolling, and against rules 5.1 and 5.2.4. For that, please have two days off from commenting and please try to be respectful in the future.
Group Leader
May 7, 2018
Um he's a boy ya know?
why are you getting excited over a pair of man tits
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Huh, i came in to see funny comments, but i guess i will skip this section too.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Lul, sneaking a peek at them nipples. He's getting more and more interested in "her".

(Story should perhaps have been named "How to make a 'boy' fall in love" (or perhaps the eponymous "girl" in the title is actually the guy with the girlish hobby of makeup?)
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
Holy shit ... What the hell happened in this comment section?
I've seen a paper journal often here ..
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
The fucking walls of text here send me into a wheezing fit
It just goes on and on and on

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