Kinda similar to Kimi Ni Todoke but also very different, this one had way too much focus on bullying and way less on romance, I mean there wasn't a single kiss and very little on friendship as well.
The bullying really ruined it for me, justice was never served, the bully never got punished, not even a little, in fact she got a hug from the victim, i guess they were trying to send a message that violence isn't the answer, love is, but i still wanted to break her neck.
In the end judging by the manga's length i should have known this wasn't going to amount to much, but even so short it could have been a lot better if there was as much romance as there was bullying.
Also some of the things said were simply not true or contradictory, like the first time she said that Hinata always helps her, but he never did at that point, stuff like that just aggravates you and breaks the flow of the story. Gave it a 5/10.