Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 278 - Boarding

May 13, 2020
@PaKaGaT it's got nothing to do with stupid pronouns, there's no way to say something that's in between wingman or wingwoman.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
@andrebl @KazutoKatsuragi
There's already unprotected three way handholding. Might as well go all the way. Also wasn't it implied that Tadano was strangling his goose a few chapters ago? And wasn't his sister sister strangely happy about it? This is a pretty lewd manga already
Apr 3, 2020
okayyyy.... just binged the whole thing in 24 hours and I have to say as I did in a comment once before... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR 2 GIRLS TO LIKE SAME BOY AND BE FRIENDS... next up, he is too dense that it hurt my eyes, lowering himself when he is literally average- that's LITERALLY SYNONYM of being OKAY... so he should have at least a LITTLE bit of self-confidence and think about the possibility that Komi might like him. Sure we saw him speculating about it some times but he always runs away from it... then, I seriously hate how there just came a new girl and skipped 150 chapters that Komi had to work her not-talking ass off on, literally... milking-series shitty move that every single manga do- add love rival that only work as trigger for the main one to do something, DAMN SOMETHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED SOONER OR LATER AND YOU COULD HAVE TO FOCUS MORE ON FRIENDS-MAKING PART OF STORY... and why make it so obvious that he was not asleep when gal-girl said she loves him? So pushy... so... pushy... Okay, it's already near 300 chapters but it's still pushy when we consider, how many friends Komi made, and that it's basically the whole point of manga... maybe 40 if you pile it all up somehow with both eyes closed, cuz they just stopped counting after 8th or so... so here is a prediction, gal-girl will have a talk with him (ordinary cliche in every4/5 mangas), and just like that they continue only as friends, cuz I really don't think the author will be so cruel to show another 200 chapters of him dating with gal-girl while helping Komi to get those remaining friends... and I'm pretty positive (not 100%, you never can be) it will be the case. It's not doing any good to my nerves to be stressed about what will happen (I'm an intense reader, after all, so I especially look for NO-DRAMA TAGS)

Ufff... Thanks for the chapter! Didn't look at it but I will surely joining disc if you have one... am seriously curious about other ppl predictions and such
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@Kurama-senpai Yeah no, if you binged the series it already been explained at the start that tadano already got low self-esteem because of his dark past being a chuuni during middle school, overly-confident in confessing to a girl and just got outright rejected. It is understandable that he doesn't dare to think that komi likes him, especially when on valentine's day komi still doesn't give him a clear conscience knowing the chocolate she gave is an obligation choco.

He got some of his confidence back in 2nd year class where the environment is more supportive, and tadano is now more preoccupied as class-prez rather than "that guy that always beside komi'" so diminishing him as 'MC that is downgraded into secondary character' is just outright wrong, if anything it shows his good progression, it's just he needs a little more push romance-sense. The 2nd year valentine is supposed to be the conclusion arc for the love triangle (according to oda's twitter) so I expect it will ask tadano or komi to break the wall.

Seriously tho, why some people dislike manbagi so much? I think it's normal for her to fall for tadano after everything he has done for her, and her presence as love-rival is good for komi's progression to give her the feeling of jealously and necessity for her to be aggressive. It's not like it's going to be a harem or something and tadano isn't that dense about romance, he's well aware about ase feelings to naruse during ski trip, thus the only obstacle between him and komi is just his low self-esteem which I already discuss above and already worked on. The matter whether if they stay friends after one of them confessed is actually the object of curiosity that I'm looking forward to knowing that we are talking about these 2 dorks that don't know anything about what they're doing in pursuing romantic relationship, I wonder how oda will handle this.

In the mean time I will just buy another volume to support the author, the more it goes well sales wise the more chance we got anime, probably, lol.
Aug 16, 2020
Tadano from ch 1 looks thin compared to bulky tadano from this chapter lmao
Apr 3, 2020
@Nihilist1 I know it's been explained, his "dark" past... but if he would just put 2 and 2 together... 2-she GAVE him chocolate 2-she gave it to him in private, even troubled herself to go to his house... don't be dense...and him, thinking that Komi might like him have nothing to do with him being overly-confident, sure she is beautiful, but he must see that she don't spend so much tie with any other guy, nor trying to befriend with any other expect the one with nearly same problem as her...

I'm not saying there is no progress at all, but there is clearly INSANELY bigger amount of progress on Komi's side. I'm looking forward to the valentine as you say, cuz there surely should be the "talk" I was talking about.

I don't dislike her, I just don't like how she literally skipped those 150 chapters... that is all there is to it... imo, there is no need for her to appear as to trigger jealousy for Komi to do something (told that before) I liked how everyone saw that Komi like him because it was so obvious to everyone but 2 of them, it was cute and all...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@Kurama-senpai I told you at the passage before, tadano is well aware of ase's feelings to naruse during the ski trip proving that he's not entirely unaware of romance advances and we also see a few times where he considers that komi probably likes him but throwing out that idea out of the window because of his two and only obstacles, his low self-esteem and fear of re-living his dark past. I actually wonder if we might see kawai-san (the girl he confessed) again just for tadano to undergone major plot arc.

I understand that part a bit, manbagi's appearance kinda damage the dynamic of komi-tadano that we are already getting used to by little. But at this point komi never had a close girl-friend that can relate to her own problems in communication so I kinda saw manbagi as her perfect fit in filling this role, the fact that she is gyaru and using make up to close her own insecurity as the backstory is just too relatable for komi and I don't see why they can't be best friend. The fact that they fell to the same guy it can't be helped, this was komi's first experience handling romantic feeling and love rival, meanwhile manbagi (as her past told) easily fell for good guys that were nice to her knowing that she too has low self-esteem. It just the matter how oda will handle this issue post-valentines arc.

And lastly, your gif is distracting me lol it's just too cute. Who is that?
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
@akaithepanda1 yeah he probably wasn't, i was just trolling, but based on the sister thinking, "well he is a teenage boy after all." I think that implied that she did think he was chokeing his chicken, even though he was just rolling around caused from his own flustered thoughts. The joke was that its a funny misunderstanding. But yeah my previous, "lewding" comments were just me joking around
Aug 15, 2020
Don't they prefer 'flight attendant' nowadays? At least that's what my friend told me. LOL. Also, they've started to do away with the 'ladies and gentlemen' part of passenger announcements to be more gender-neutral.

@hancea1996 @erectorz
Tawawa on Mondays:
Apr 3, 2020
@Nihilist1 Fair enough... I was wondering that too and I think we will see her sometime in near future, but I won't dare to guess the reactions...

That is exactly what got me a bit tilted... It was so nice to look at how they get closer, step by step, without any danger (no boy would ever dare to talk to Komi and no girl would by herself approach Tadano...) it was nice and peaceful... T_T

Glad you like it :D You don't know Fate/Grand Order? Me too, but I somehow got my hands on the gif and apparently It's Saint Martha from there ;D
Aug 15, 2020
I FUXKING LOVE THIS MANGA,,,,I ALWAYS SHIT MY PANTS WHEN IM READING IT,,,TOOO FUNNYA,,,but ive gotta admit, sadly making an anime out of this young masterpiece, is difficult AF,,,borderline impossible, if it were to be made, it would 1000 percent fall mediocre when compared to manga,,,,It would kinda the same as Oregairu Light Novel, compared with Its anime,,,,OREGAIRU is not a bad anime by no means,, fuck is a Slice Of Life Anime in 2020 that is based around a Love Triangle,,,,And somehow has managed to constantly score over 8 in MAL,,,like OREGAIRU is a masterpiece,but the light novel,,,thats shits is insane, its fucking crazy dude,, btw if you didnt know a score in MAL of 8,is basically holy Ground for an anime,,,A score of NINE,,,is absolute undisputed masterpiece,,,thats why,,,,Sadly this young masterpiece will never have an anime,and should it have one, dont expect too much, unless Kyoto Animation makes the anime lmao,then may be we can have some hope left 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@Kurama-senpai It was FGO? No wonder I can't recognize her, FGO's universe is just way too big it's not my cup of tea as I prefer comfy manga. Still cute tho.

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