The entire premise of this manga is bad. Any sensible couple would have discussed the issue of having children before getting married. It's one thing if one of them changed their mind, but they never talked about it before getting married.
The entire premise of this manga is bad. Any sensible couple would have discussed the issue of having children before getting married. It's one thing if one of them changed their mind, but they never talked about it before getting married.
There's a couple of other handful of manga where 'having a child' is the main plot point/conflict (tho usually it's the woman who wants it/issue of a 'sexless/dead bedroom life', while ppl should have personal freedoms, i'm surprised there's not some uptight system [outside of arranged marriages but idk if there's a specific required amount of dates versus just a meeting or two] where it's like "you need X amount/hrs of couples therapy before getting married"/out lining some bullet points on what you expect in the future in regards to child care and jobs and such)