I'm not even sure. If I'm not wrong in rewritting the kanji to identify them, it looks like "東結化" with the last kanji meaning "to change/to take the form of"
But to me, the first two kanji are unrelated to the ice element if reading separately and reading them together give me the name of a prefecture in Japan (Higashimusubu).
If someone else know better to enlighten this, please be my guest. EDIT:
Oh, I missed two strikes on the first kanji which is not "東" but "凍" and "凍結" altogether means "to freeze" combining with the last kanji "化" which means "to change/to take the form of"
It's recoil because he tried to "Reverse" something he create ...
as far as I know, he need at least 2-3 character to erase it, and yet he only use 1 ...
the recoil is quite bad as lost a lot MP and weaken him ...
quite fatal if it happen in the middle of fight ...
@yarielist Got it, he used too much power to freeze it so trying to unfreeze it with less power was a bad idea. Good thing the fight is over, plus he learned how the recoil works, win-win right? ?
... @Leo80221 :
Yep, to cancel major power which he has done before, he need MORE power to do that ...
(more word, and yet he tried to do that with single word which is wrong)
failing to do so, will cause "penalty" / "recoil" because of it ...
No, your father was always the kind of man to attack, kill, and consume his friends and family. You should have embraced him and his hobbies with open arms!
if that makes sense, he overwrote the "original" properties from sand into an ice desert, so just returning it would still mean ice and he imagined it to be sand and that gap probably coused the recoil...
yeah, he could have used "origin" the whole time, didn't even need to beat the father. But well, plot.
Just like he could have healed the entire village, grandpa included.