Come on, that "reveal" at the end that harkens back to a random fortune teller at the beginning of the series (Which as far as I can recall doesnt return afterwards at all until now) by namedropping isn't impactful at all. Honestly I feel like this series has lost whatever charm that once brought me in to read the novel (which was, to say, a long time ago); this part of the story was pretty much where I dropped the novel, too. I feel like it just isn't going anywhere anymore; Hiro isn't looking for books nor anything, theres this generic BBG who's all mysterious n shit + we get fantasy politics, which might not be boring if written well, but this is just... lackluster. Not much of the fantasy aspects of the setting is really used creatively in solving the issues, which reduces this to simply just politics - and politics, at least written in this case, that is FAR from engaging and made dramatic only through mindbending amounts of exposition and declarations, all the whilst adhering to pretty generic nakama-speech "I'll protect my people/friends!!!" which is flat out silly.
I went back to the first chapter from the latest and the first thing I noticed was the difference in exposition. There is SO. MUCH. MORE. now, its not funny.
I went back to the first chapter from the latest and the first thing I noticed was the difference in exposition. There is SO. MUCH. MORE. now, its not funny.