If a guy decides to actually do shit, shit gets done.
It's not cluttered. It's
compact and out of the way.
What I find the most awkward is when one person goes away to cook and they remain separately. If you're both there, cook together. And that goes especially for couples where both don't like to cook much.
But she needs to not correct him so much. That quickly turns into nagging and controlling. Not great for relationships.
"Any way you look at it, it's my fault!"
At least she realises.
"When's a good time to apologise?"
Right now. And if you hesitate, also right now.
It wasn't mean. It was honest. If you never say things like that, things can easily spiral out of control. This time it wouldn't, though, since she already reflected on it.
All in all, they're a great couple. Some mistakes are made, but talked about and cleared up.