Hnnng they're all so cute, the artist is soo good at conveying facial expressions, probably one of my all time favorites <3
Also, repeat after me, everyone, new ship, new ship! XD
Tetsukiiii! It's been a while we haven't heard of him. I really like mature character like him.
The change from the chapter surprised me. The expression totally changed.
In her Twitter, Amyuu's answered fans about the change in chapter 90 but sadly I couldn't fully understand what she said about it
I don't think it was a good idea to make the change in page 90 tbh
I mean, the whole point was to show Chika relieved after Hozuki revealed what was troubling her. The change, even if it has the same intention but flustered, it's seems more like something is still bothering than a flustered relief.
But oh well, it's done I guess
I can't tell which I like more. I like this flustered Chika, his feelings becoming more complex and teh the display of an unusual shyness. But the smiling Chika is one of the best smiles I have seen him have in the manga and big part of the manga is how for years Chika never smiled. Ahhgghhh, I'll just have both exist in my mind.