Koolio 'n Pals

Sep 6, 2019
You're disgusting.
I can only feel revulsion when I read your works. Not even the fun disgust of body horror movies, just empty disgust. It's like seeing worms in your food, you just go "oh yeah, this is fucked up", and throw it out.
Can you please kill yourself? Think of all the people that would be happier if you were gone. Kill yourself, asks your mother. Kill yourself, so ask your siblings. Kill yourself, so asks mother earth and if mother earth asks, do you really have the hubris to reject her?
Nobody will grieve, we will all gather together and thank you. It's going to be the first genuine and heartfelt thanks you will receive. Your contribution, not only to society, but to the earth itself. Because, by God is she tired of carrying something as disgusting as you on her back.

Surely, you will screencap this and share it with your friends, pretending to laugh about how "mad" you made some people by being disgusting (as you always are). But in the back of your mind you'll have the suspicion that maybe you really are disgusting. And I'm here to say that yes, you are. And you'll think that maybe you do have to kill yourself.
And I'm here to give you the emotional support for that act, the last push. The lucid and positive awareness that yes, you are disgusting and yes, you can do something about it.

Contact me if you need any help with suicide methods. I personally recommend a david carradine because the other methods are too noble and beautiful for something as gross as you.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Do you really have to troll on what's just wholesome sex?
Every comment is a HAHA for you I assume, but please think what types of people love to ruin porn and other things people enjoy.
Oct 27, 2018
Thanks for your work :D
Wanted to say it just because of the work, and after seeing all the bitching about the credits and shit I thought I'd do it now.
Even if I didn't agree with you in general, I think people should quit bitching about the credit pages.
Many people use them to post all kinds of random bullshit, as it's your release I think the credit page should be the groups to do as they wish. I'd say the same to those using it to push ideals I don't agree with, or even actively dislike.
As for the 'meme' stuff commented on, I can understand some not liking it, but as long as the meaning isn't lost idrc much. Having said that I do prefer either just not translating 'nonsense' or tling into more... Accurate nonsense anyway.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks, and say this since so many have been bitching about the credits.
Hope you keep up the good work, and thanks for it so far.
Nov 5, 2019
Hey, just wanted to ask something in the friendliest manner I could think of. Could you guys leave the political and meme-related stuff aside? I speak for many in this matter, as we just wanna enjoy these reads like any other. Thanks for your work!
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2019
Hey, buddy, nobody cares about the garbage you put on the credit page of a harem manga close to hentai. You are not instructing anyone, you are making a fool of yourself with each chapter. I mean, keep doing it if you want, everything is fine, I just wanted to stop by to tell you this. Cya.
Aggregator gang
May 15, 2019
Yeah, that's what I was saying! The politics and socio-economic commentary of Wakamono really are as amazing as the breasts, sex, and happy-love relationships and cute drawings! They go hand-in-hand.

Here's hoping future business leaders and workers learn something from this wondrous piece of art, ha ha.
Double-page supporter
Feb 3, 2019
This is one of only two R-18 rated manga that I read and right now I can't remember the name of the other one. Got any suggestions? Thanks!
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 16, 2019
"how could work be better, and what would it look like." This is not an anti-capitalist message and neither is Wakamono (at least not yet).
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2018
The shit they've pulled is so ridiculous I'd genuinely believe they were alt-reicher false flaggers.

Constant shit memes while they get off on sniffing their own farts. I hate that I probably share many political beliefs (based on how they describe themselves) with them, as they push their side so idiotically and ineffectively while jumping up on that high horse. Thanks for not helping.

I'm curious, what direct action are you making? Dredging up Discord conversations, shitposting in your translations, and spouting quotes? Invoking the words of another in your credits isn't exactly something to grandstand over.

You seek to shame and feel superior, not make legitimate change.

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