The Ice Princess Wants to Be Melted by a Small Patch of Sunlight - Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2023
People saying that the dad is abusive etc really need some perspective, sure he's not the perfect dad and he should be around more but that DOES NOT make him a bad or abusive dad, at least from what we have seen so far he genuinely cares for his kids now sure should he have phrased it a bit differently and opened up a conversation with his son in law so that they could talk about his grades? probably yes, however he is looking out for his son in law in his own way by making sure that he keeps his grades up. My dad was gone for months at a time due to his job when i was young but I knew that he loved me and cared for me the only difference was I had my mom at home to raise my younger siblings. Despite that he still needed to provide for his family. I think this dad feels the same way so I find people insulting him to be disgusting to be honest, walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them.
Umm... the proper term here would be "Step-son" but I understand nonetheless.
Aggregator gang
Jun 3, 2024
Piece of shit dad, how about you step up and take care of your fucking kids instead of making the high schooler do it and lecture him about his grades. Truck-kun wya :win:
Are you dumb or doesn't read the whole story
They literally could hire maid to easier the burden but you know what!?
The big brother said fk it I like it hard way
I like it when I don't have time for myself so I can't having fun and studying
Aggregator gang
Jun 3, 2024
People saying that the dad is abusive etc really need some perspective, sure he's not the perfect dad and he should be around more but that DOES NOT make him a bad or abusive dad, at least from what we have seen so far he genuinely cares for his kids now sure should he have phrased it a bit differently and opened up a conversation with his son in law so that they could talk about his grades? probably yes, however he is looking out for his son in law in his own way by making sure that he keeps his grades up. My dad was gone for months at a time due to his job when i was young but I knew that he loved me and cared for me the only difference was I had my mom at home to raise my younger siblings. Despite that he still needed to provide for his family. I think this dad feels the same way so I find people insulting him to be disgusting to be honest, walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them.
Yeah it's fling weird
This people complaining when his dad worked hard to make sure his kids well feed,have big house and have best education they could provide
They probably also complaining when their dad didn't work harder either
These people just forced for their own convenient
Aggregator gang
Jun 3, 2024
It's a number of reasons and their negligence is a big one.

They can be concerned for his grades, sure, but they go about it the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. They're acting as though he's bothered by taking care of his siblings, they're acting like they're giving "a choice", they believe they're (somehow) spoiling him.

Their answer to that? Taking away what he, and the other two siblings, love and enjoy.
Taking what!?
They literally just want to hired maid to take care of the twins and they're still in the same house not like he's with them 24 hours either
They still could be together regardless
Double-page supporter
Jul 1, 2023
I need to just drop this manga. The MC's whole personality is babysitter he's so. Fucking. Boring. Drop out of school and become you siblings caretaker and then sue your parents for custody! This is the way!!
Bro I was with u on the 1st half but u lost me on the 2nd half
Double-page supporter
Jul 1, 2023
ranks are stupid imo.
50 people could get a 100% score. They all be the same, but someone has to get the 50th rank still despite doing just as good as 1st place.
on the other hand, out of 50 people, everyone bombs the rankings and 1st place possess a 1% score.
No not really...we're talking about exams like finals or midterms which are usually graded on the scale of 0 to 100. While it is theoretically possible for 50 students from a class of 200 students to get the highest possible score, it's extremely unlikely for even 10 kids to get that highest possible score...from my experience, while it is possible that a majority of people can get over 90, but not all of them get the same score...let's say 2 get 100, then another 2 get 99, then 3 kids get 97, then 1 kid get 96, and so you go more up the classes, it flanks out even more (in my high school, over 80% kids would get at least a b in their exam, but in college that b was the least that's what I experienced)

So that establishes a clear rank among the students In a single you have all the subjects and combine those scores and Now you will have more who excels in all subjects will be placed higher than the kids who excels in some of the subjects who will be placed higher than kids who only excel at one subject who will be placed higher than kids who didn't get any good score in any of his subjects

As for diversities, this is what I mean...imagine there's a six student scores 100 on each of them and then another student scores 100 on only 5 of them and get a 99 on the 6th even tho they both excels in all subjects, because the 2nd kid got one less point in one of the subject, he will be ranked 2nd...notice how both of them would have shared the 1st rank in 5 of the subjects

now you may ask OK then how would you rank kids who got the same score? In those outside factors may come in like what's his overall performance in class or what extracurricular activities they do...for example a kid who did his homework or class assignments better than the other kid he will be ranked higher or a kid who participated in more extracurricular activities will be given a higher rank

Or they could just have both kids share the same rank (for example my high school had multiple valedictorian, and valedictorian is supposed to be the #1, meaning multiple people shared the same rank)

Sorry for long ass boring probably not right comment but I wanted to give a perspective as to why I disagree with your statement

Tldr: while it is theoretically possible for 50 kids to get a 100, realistically not even 10 kids get a same score much less getting a 100
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2024
I don't think the parents are bad people but I don't think they really comprehend anything about Aoba. Aoba grew up as a latch key kid which while not necessarily always negative does tend to leave kids feeling lonely, neglected, and/or abandoned. Aoba clearly does exhibit these negative traits and that's why he is fine caring for his siblings. When his friend said "your parents sure do work a lot," Aoba responded "well they just love working too much." That's important because that shows Aoba's perception is they care more about working than them or spending time with them. Aoba thinks they deliberately choose to work so much they're never around.

One commenter pointed out the twins probably spend time with their birth mother for part of the month but there's no evidence in story so far to support this. In the real world that would be reasonable but this is just a story. These stories tend to not have deep considerations for things outside of the window of what's being shown. It's safer to assume either the father has sole custody of the kids and the mom rarely sees them or that the birth mom is dead. Same with Aoba, either his father is dead or estranged.

With what has been shown so far I don't really think there's any evidence to suggest getting a nanny would even change or benefit Aoba that much. Would he get a part time job? No, that would pretty obviously come off to Aoba as him being just like the parents, choosing a job over family. Would he start having more of a social life? Probably not, in chapter 1 he described being able to turn down stuff like the group date as a perk. His one friend also seems pretty use to him turning down invites to things which suggests Aoba has been doing this for quite some time. His grades might go up but that's mainly if taking care of the kids is the sole factor in the grades going down. If it is instead due to the material being harder in high school then it won't really matter much. The parents are not presented as being around enough to know or care about this distinction though.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 6, 2019
You hear her right, people?
She said she used to make food for five, so we already know the future they will plan.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2024
Why is everyone being so dramatic about a babysitter? He can just keep doing what he's doing but with the babysitter, that way if he gets busy or gets invited out he can do that without having to worry.
MC is unhealthily attached to his younger siblings for whatever reason and decided to parentify himself, and in explaining the class ranking situation to FMC, he either explained it poorly or she herself is so childlike in her thinking that she concluded getting a babysitter would equal him being separated from the kids

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