Have no idea why the other idiots who got seduced by Yuri would even consider her, Iris is 10 times better. Might just be the art, which is amazing by the way, but the way Iris is drawn is just so beautiful and cute, it's amazing honestly.
They chose sides back when Iris was different. I remember the brother saying she was chubby before or something. Didn't he have trouble recognizing her?
Thanks for the update ! Take your times, your health and future are precious. Thanks for the hard work, I can't speak for others but for me I will not resent you if you slow down the release.
Best wishes and kisses ! And a late happy new year
It's alright. We are thankful that you guys are translating this. We'll be fine as long as we know you're not dropping this and as long as we can get announcements if something happens.
Get better and take care of yourselves. Don't sweat the releases til you feel better.
As for the chapter, Tanya's outfit is quite risque given that the sides seems rather...sheer on the sides. But DAYUM can she take good care of herself like a big girl.