There's some problems with your arguments here.
For one, leech has more meanings than the animal of the same name, being used in torrenting terminology. Anyone downloading is leeching, anyone uploading is seeding. This is not necessarily tied to parasitism, as anything downloaded will automatically be seeded to others unless you explicitly hamper the uploading ability of your torrenting software. It wouldn't be weird for online scanlators to use the explicitly tech-related definition of a word over the one in entirely unrelated field of biology.
Secondly, your offense at being compared to a parasite or leech is amusing as unlike people reading manga, those creatures don't have a choice in their actions. If they don't do it, they die. You conflating parasites with people who could buy but don't is the exact opposite of the actual meaning of the word.
As for scanlators "enabling leeche(r)s" being parasitic, that would only be the case for scanlators who actively try to dissuade people from buying the original works. Not that I've ever seen that happen, I think. But as is, these people are at worst commensalists, or perhaps even mutualists, as they help the author reach a larger audience of potential customers and explicitly advertising sales using the sentence you took offense to.
An estimated 40% of all animals are parasitic in nature. These still contribute to the ecosystem as a whole by tempering populations. I consider myself parasitic in plenty regards, including my manga consumption. Difference between me and you appears to be that I see this as a thing to better about myself when possible (IE when I have more money), whereas you simply take offense to the notion and thereby appear to not want to change. Instead of taking offense, try to see their word use as something to spur you to think of avenues available to you for providing benefits to authors you enjoy without spending money you may or may not have. For instance, spread the word to others you think might enjoy the series, thereby providing potential customers.