Without a proper access to the RAW... I was sure it was more like a idiomatic expression... Independent of s set number "X different people and X different colors" people also say "to each their own" nowadays? Ten sounding as a round number and all...
Cause if the motif were the Juunishi (Chinese Zodiac), the Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Horse, Bird and Boar units weren't introduced yet... YMMV if there is a need for much characters in the cast though (with 3-4 members each)... I'm in "the more the merrier" camp even if my memory doesn't share the same enthusiasm...
And to the Dog unit to be the strongest the Tiger and Dragon units shouldn't exist, for the sake of fairness... except for a eventual play against expectations... But I'm already in the headless speculation realm so let me end it here...
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mr. Poneis
@humbuggeromlet So the count was wrong...