@Czero page 4 "causing" and page 5 "girl" are misspelled but other than that thank all of you for the translations. Fun chapter to read and such a coincidence that I was thinking about this series just yesterday.
Hey thanks for udapte! This is a long build up for a hentai
Actually a lightheaded gyaru manga, nice. Does anybody even wear such panties, I can't imagine somebody having such taste, lol
@randyrandyson This was honestly a mistake mixed in with my other projects, I had done it and thought I uploaded it, while looking forward to the next chapter my translator brought to my attention that I never posted this chapter. @migh At this point I have no intention to drop it
@Deathhappens I might just take you up on that offer.
Feel a bit sorry for her since there are plenty of students like her that just kinda give up because their teachers don't teach in a way which they learn best and unfortunately not every student learns the same. It 'd be ideal if it were possible to identify the best method of teaching each student learns from. I always loved quality notes and hated power point classes