Kuro no Maou - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Experiment Squad 2

Jan 23, 2020
Important Spoilers.
Kurono’s plan was to fight along with his fellow adventurers the crusaders for seven days at Alsac Village in order to give time for the refugees to escape to Spada. Kurono knew that it is not possible to win the war with just 120 adventurers against an army of more than 15,000 crusaders and his main goal was to only stall the crusaders for a week and then escape to Spada along with the other adventurers. This plan got backfired because of a certain Apostle.
11th Apostle Lord Misa is a mage and is capable of flight magic which is a high level magic spell, thus she was able to pass the adventurers without fighting them and went straight to where the refugees were fleeing. She is responsible for committing a massacre by slaughtering at-least 9,900 refugees while they were escaping from Daidalos kingdom to Spada kingdom. After slaughtering the refugees she then kills all the 100 adventures such as the skeleton guy, the ninja girl and the werewolf named Vulcan and the 3 elven sisters.
She has a powerful spell in which she can mind controls the werewolf Vulcan and makes him kill his own comrades in a sadistic manner. The she kills Vulcan by making him kill himself by his own sword. Vulcan dies with hatred and malice towards the Apostle Misa which result in his hatred getting transferred in his own weapon becoming a cursed weapon. Later in the future arc Kurono will decide to take Vulcan’s sword for himself which has now become a cursed sword in order to use it to avenge the werewolf’s death in the future.
This war will end in a defeat and the Crusaders will occupy the entire Daidalos territory. Kurono, Lily and Fiona also are forced to fight the 8th Apostle Ai. All 3 of them end up getting defeated and Kurono also loses one eye and his cursed sword gets damaged temporarily and his cloak that got in chapter 4 gets completely destroyed.
Only four adventurers survive this war and reach Spada i.e., Kurono, Lily, Fiona and Simon. Out of the 10,000 refugees who were fleeing only 50 to 100 of them survive and reach Spada.
After this tragic arc MC will encounter the demon king and unknowingly passed his test.
Kurono Mao was able pass the test and gain recognition from the 'DEMON KING' Mia Ellrod, the first person in the history of Pandora Continent to receive his divine protection. The D.P. is in the form of his left eye which is bright red in color, replaced by the Demon King after losing his original eye. The eye shows him hints of further trials by highlighting the name of the required monster to be killed in red. The name of each monster is crowned with name of the Seven Deadly Sins, and their cores must be offered to gain the Divine Protection the Demon King. Defeating these seven monsters and offering them for D.P. allows Kurono's Black Magic to gain the elemental attributes of the said monster and a unique ability born of those attributes which is the true form of the D.P. In order to utilize these abilities a corresponding defensive martial-art must be learned therefore making them a hybrid of magic and martial arts. This allows Kurono to become something similar to a pseudo ELEMENTAL MASTER since the other attributes are dominated by his darkness attribute.
Nov 26, 2019
Okay, thanks for the spoiler. I think I'm gonna drop this for a while (still keeping this in the bookmark though), I don't want my blood pressure to rise exponentially due to anger and hatred.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
Lily turns out to transform into YANDERE mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(im shivering....)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
And here I was, looking forward to what might come after the battle was over, when I just got another battle instead.
Aggregator gang
Jan 15, 2021
That sword really did a number on her, she went from innocent child and cool beauty to innocent child and crazy yandere tortures a man to death to get more info on her crush

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