those are japanese grown men, do you think they would care? if she slaps then it would end upin her getting it even worse, you should also think about the situtation slapping a guy who is with someone isnt the best of an idea, ppl around wont even help them fs, they are in a amusement park and even worse when yk how ppl are these days, the only way of gettin out of that is to have someone she knoes come
Wtf are you even saying lmao. "even worse when yk how ppl are these days" "ppl around wont even help them fs"
Literally no women in this world is ever like that unless she's trying to get some free dick or is just retarded beyond saving. Portraying women like we're still in the 1880s is just dumb as bricks. You must have read too many isekai where they're dragging out slave girls in the town square and nobody except the Gary Stu main character is helping them.
Reality is she would slap first, then scream, then a bunch of people will surround her, then the boys try to run away if they're lucky otherwise get beat up by some blue collar worker who has been getting yelled at by his wife/boss.
The most realistic portrayal of women being approached like this that I have seen, is in Sono Bisque.
This is literally how 89% of women react to random men approaching them, 75% if the said men are hot. And about 99% of women will immediately slap from pure genetic women reflexes if you put your hands on them out of nowhere.