Kurokami no Helga

Dex-chan lover
Apr 17, 2019
The problem with this manga is the translation. I had to look up Heterochronia just to make sense of what's going on. If it was re done to be easier to read the
Due to a specific enchantment by a so called "virgin" the town is enchanted to only allow blonds to exist and breed, their memories are also sealed to prevent any emotional attachments the "virgin" does not condone.
Dark hair is considered bad genetically and due to their nature to resist the enchantment, they are ostracised and hated when people reach puberty. The spell is temporarily halted when the "virgin" is sleeping allowing memories to resurface and emotions reverted. The spell was only broken by appeasing the "virgin" and waking all to their closed memories

I'm trying to figure, if this an allegory for discrimination of some sort, or if there is a relationship between discrimination and religious zealotry.

I should learn Japanese and read this in it's original context to truly understand it.
Jul 20, 2023
"Beyond the end, there was more to the world...!"

- Adolf

"Enlightenment is the human being’s emergence from his self-incurred minority. Minority is inability to make use of one’s own understanding without direction from another. This minority is self-incurred when its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude! [dare to be wise] Have courage to make use of your own understanding!"

- Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?

"Thus among the ancients the individual, almost always sovereign in public affairs, was a slave in all his private relations. As a citizen, he decided on peace and war; as a private individual, he was constrained, watched and repressed in all his movements; as a member of the collective body, he interrogated, dismissed, condemned, beggared, exiled, or sentenced to death his magistrates and superiors; as a subject of the collective body he could himself be deprived of his status, stripped of his privileges, banished, put to death, by the discretionary will of the whole to which he belonged."

- Benjamin Constant, "The Liberty of the Ancients Compared With That of the Moderns"

"The patient cannot remember the whole of what is repressed in him, and what he cannot remember may be precisely the essential part of it.. He is obliged to repeat the repressed material as a contemporary experience instead of remembering it as something in the past."

- Sigmund Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Jul 20, 2023
"The means employed by Nature to bring about the development of all the capacities of men is their antagonism in society, so far as this is, in the end, the cause of a lawful order among men.

By “antagonism” I mean the unsocial sociability of men, i.e., their propensity to enter into society, bound together with a mutual opposition which constantly threatens to break up the society. Man has an inclination to associate with others, because in society he feels himself to be more than man, i.e., as more than the developed form of his natural capacities. But he also has a strong propensity to isolate himself from others, because he finds in himself at the same time the unsocial characteristic of wishing to have everything go according to his own wish. Thus he expects opposition on all sides because, in knowing himself, he knows that he, on his own part, is inclined to oppose others. ...Thus are taken the first true steps from barbarism to culture, which consists in the social worth of man; thence gradually develop all talents, and taste is refined; through continued enlightenment the beginnings are laid for a way of thought which can in time convert the coarse, natural disposition for moral discrimination into definite practical principles, and thereby change a society of men driven together by their natural feelings into a moral whole."

- Immanuel Kant, Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View

"We're weird."

- Johanna

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