wasn't it mentioned earlier that blood transfusion during this time wasn't super reliable? they had their super smart little genius german girl to find out how they typed blood during the idol arc. it was supposed to be ground breaking and probably limited to there,,, so it concludes that they're a collusion between the twos
@chosenone124@iluvthings Yep, it was just discovered. That's why everyone had a "star" designation, it was a stand-in for blood-types. But with how advanced and passionate this nurse is about scientific advances in medicine (like figuring out germs are a thing), chances are she figured it out too, completely independent of original!Ciel. Actually, this hospital might have been the place to ("officially") figure out blood types in the first place, and Ciel and the Undertaker just used it to their advantage. With the time period, the discovery is probably still new enough to be treated suspiciously by other hospitals, especially if a woman discovered it, so it would make sense for it to not be completely public.
i dont know how this gonna play out since they already showing us the blood collection room. it could be on purpose tho? since they have sneaky grim reaper?
I’m guessing they’ll say that bloodletting is part of the healing process. Maybe as a means of removing poisons in the blood. Or maybe they’ll say it’s to save other patients. Taking blood from one soldier to give to another in case they need it during surgery.