@boldmonkey Eee... No it isn`t rape, when she got into the outfit and into the bed on her own, knowing what will happen. I wouldn`t even say it is harassement- it is sex for favours though, and it should be illegal for people to get to the top by fucking right person... And yes, as she said, she should say "no" and get the fuck outta there- and then tell the other girls, what this guy is about, so everyone would be failry warned and they could decide what they want to do...
It is disgusting, but it is not rape. Rape, by definition is forcefull.
Also, that point in the chapter- about bugs being scary because we don`t know enough... eee... i don`t think that works like that. There is theory saying, that women on average are more scred of bugs, because in our past they had to make sure their kids are not bitten by poisonus bugs, so just in case they were reacting to all insects creeping around the caves or huts(well ,not only insect- look how women react to snakes or amphibians)... It is more like self defense instinct rather than just "fear of unknown"