Kyou mo E ni Kaita Mochi ga Umai - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
C'mon... this is an isekai that really didn't need to introduce the whole slavery angle at all. The kid can literally summon anything he wants just by drawing it to the point that he summoned a fricken dragon using his blood and desperation.

I'm surprised he doesn't just draw himself a maid or something and make a companion rather than literally buying a slave.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2023
Shota MC could draw waifu but nooooooo it is foreshadowed he will buy big daddy™️ :thonk:

That's g@y af, dropped reason: boredom
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2023
People crying about slavery in fantasy settings like it wasn't a universal human experience until very recently in human history.
People complain because slavery is never actually used as anything but a quick waifu insertion into the story, and then never gets mentioned again. Nothing about the actual implications of it are used towards the story. Maybe it might be different given that an old man is shown and not some cat/fox girl, but given how slavery was explained here I doubt that.
Sep 24, 2018
The MC is handsome? No, he is cute though. Would look good in womens clothing.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Cracked up as soon as slaves got mentioned.

Also, with the bird getting him "old fashioned" clothes, I wonder what the chances are that the bird lifted them off of an old corpse or something.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
People complain because slavery is never actually used as anything but a quick waifu insertion into the story, and then never gets mentioned again. Nothing about the actual implications of it are used towards the story.
What implications are needed to be mentioned anyway?

Do you want the MC of every Series to boycott Slavery and start preaching people about how bad it is the moment they learn about it?
Jul 20, 2023
Do you want the MC of every Series to boycott Slavery and start preaching people about how bad it is the moment they learn about it?
I'd personally consider it at least a bit better if these stories didn't engage in the apparent contest to write the worst possible slavery apologetics. For now, I think the "slavery is basically the same as (badly described) social welfare" from here is the most absurd I've seen.

You don't need to actually have the MC come around to "slavery is good, actually". They can begrudgingly accept that it's the thing there and they can't change the entire society. If one wants to go further above the norm, maybe even suggest they feel a bit guilty about it.

(It just, you know, find some other way for the MC to get their companions and avoid having to justify buying a human being)
What implications are needed to be mentioned anyway?
Historically, slavery is heavily linked with discrimination (in large parts of Europe slavery was actually illegal even by the time the Renaissance rolled around. Just not for everyone... The Catholic church for example has been pushing for banning enslavement of Christians specifically since basically the medieval era started), so one could use it to set up the more negative parts of the society MC finds themselves in.

Or perhaps reflect some issue with the MC - for example Shield Hero had a decent setup with magically-aided slavery being the solution to MC having severe trust issues (it then threw that setup away and even made slave magic actually help growth because apparently even defending slavery normally wasn't enough)

Or maybe You can have abolishment movements be a part in the story.

There is a lot you can do besides just adding the whole institution of slavery (and justifying) just because you need to quickly add a companion to the cast.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
also i love when a character says "yeah we treat slaves humanely here :)" and then the next fucking page we see people living in really small underground jail cells with only a haystack and a sack as a bed and sitting on the hard cold stone floor wearing dirty clothes

at least this one isnt chained up by comically large cuffs
You missed the specifically carved out caveat for "criminal slaves". The regular slave quarters had furniture and one was drinking tea. The dingy jail cell area was for "Criminal slaves". Because once you are convicted of a crime, you no longer have the rights of a person and can justifiably be given less than human standards because they are implied as being just that.

The manga suggesting that government subsidies was the same as indentured servitude. One is resources given w/o string attached to better the individuals and society as a whole, the other is a contractual agreement exchanging liberties and freedom for security and livelihood.

The noble also talks about the slave system as if it is like a live in service industry (like a maid/butler). And then immediately tries to get the MC glorified sex slaves.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2020
If the stone are too valuable and special to like a dragon why don't draw an special magic stone with the purpose of use spatial magic you know like to store items like grocery bags, or something else, or buy an encyclopedia of magic stone for more creative uses

BTW we know how questionable are those slave things but in fictional worlds where you can draw ANYTHING you like, having magic power in Legend Level, and with capacity of learn any magic, its better having one forced to guard you and keep your secrets (remember the poacher trauma chapters before, and the level of how crazy a Noble can be if they hear some secret gossips like in "Ascendance of a Bookworm")
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Aggregator gang
Jul 6, 2020
The mangaka evidently hasn't stepped a step outside downtown Tokyo, and it appears he genuinely believes the government subsidizing poor people is the answer to poverty, even if we take it at his word and assume that it's a factual observation (it's not). It also isn't "the wealthy taking care of the poor", it's the middle class being systematically strangled to cover the expenses of the gov't, including social programs, because the middle class are accountable, inflexible, and subject to edicts. The wealthy keep on being wealthy, and by the function of them accruing wealth, creating more poverty. They have several ways of offsetting taxation, they have several ways of securing subsidies, they have several ways of making use of debt, collateralized assets and liabilities, as well as using debt to purchase more debt, and they have several ways of managing and manipulating their assets and capital in a way that insulates them from loss and depreciation. Wealth creation has very little to do with value creation, in a system where money is FIAT, fractional reserve banking creates money out of nothing, and then lends it out at interest, and private institutions like the Federal Reserve and the ECB will money into existence and then lend it to gov'ts, and by extension people, at interest.

On an unrelated note, why are there no females in this manga? Why is it just males engaging in undue levels of skinship, compliments, and blushing? I feel like an idiot for chewing a guy out in a previous chapter, because he posited the mangaka was framing the MC's relationship with his sensei as homoerotic. I just couldn't see it, and it sounded contrived at the time. Well, I am now reassessing my previous assertions.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
I'd personally consider it at least a bit better if these stories didn't engage in the apparent contest to write the worst possible slavery apologetics. For now, I think the "slavery is basically the same as (badly described) social welfare" from here is the most absurd I've seen.

You don't need to actually have the MC come around to "slavery is good, actually". They can begrudgingly accept that it's the thing there and they can't change the entire society. If one wants to go further above the norm, maybe even suggest they feel a bit guilty about it.

(It just, you know, find some other way for the MC to get their companions and avoid having to justify buying a human being)

Historically, slavery is heavily linked with discrimination (in large parts of Europe slavery was actually illegal even by the time the Renaissance rolled around. Just not for everyone... The Catholic church for example has been pushing for banning enslavement of Christians specifically since basically the medieval era started), so one could use it to set up the more negative parts of the society MC finds themselves in.

Or perhaps reflect some issue with the MC - for example Shield Hero had a decent setup with magically-aided slavery being the solution to MC having severe trust issues (it then threw that setup away and even made slave magic actually help growth because apparently even defending slavery normally wasn't enough)

Or maybe You can have abolishment movements be a part in the story.

There is a lot you can do besides just adding the whole institution of slavery (and justifying) just because you need to quickly add a companion to the cast.
The problem with that is it would deviate the primary plot of the story.
Most of the core story have some reasoning behind using Slaves, be it quick & easy access to
  • harem member, or
  • party members were trust can be an issue (trust is one of the primary reasons why Slavery is heavily used in Isekai series).

Well, while Slavery is historically heavily associated with discrimination atleast in the West, it's sort of different situations in the East.
As there wasn't really a concrete concept of Slavery in the East.

[ I might be wrong with what I say here as i am not an expert in history. ]

Most of the time it was more to do with Domination or Forced work (without restricting the personal independence of the person) than with Slavery.
What it meant was a person was forced to heavily work with really minimum wages (no wage work was really rare), but they were free to do whatever they wanted when not in work. People also used corporal punishment as a form of showcasing domination, but to local people that effect is bound to the person/people doing the dominantion rather than the system.

Like my origin country has a history of being under British rule for 90 years, and been under different invader rules for over hundreds of years before that. So in case of my history, you can say that the whole country was basically slaves to the invaders in a way.

And to most people here, Slaves wasn't a Concepts they they knew about, as the wording is used differently here (here the concept used meant "to serve", be it forced or consensual, and the concept of "to serve" is usually seen in high regards in here since ancient times so many did it consensually).
And most of the time, slaves weren't seen here, but rather people were sent from here to other parts of the world to work as slaves.

In all, the olden concept of Slavery in the East isn't that different from what we have with Modern Slavery in the form of Corporate Slaves, Forced Labor, Domestic Servitude, etc, which are usually ignored as they all come with monetary gain in some form and amount. So, to most Eastern people Slavery in a way still exists and in so common that it's part of life.

If I am right, there never was any Anti-slavery movement in the East either, as slavery as concept was abolished before long.

This is why, Japanese Author have no issue in using Slavery as a Concepts in series with medieval setting, nor do they try any Reforms system in the plot, as to most Author the concept meaning is different from what they know unlike how they understand in the West (only those Author who had read about Western history try to add reform movement within the story, like "Realist Hero" series for example).

Maybe this would give a better idea regarding what Japanese Author think about, than my rant (which might be full of errors).
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
You missed the specifically carved out caveat for "criminal slaves". The regular slave quarters had furniture and one was drinking tea. The dingy jail cell area was for "Criminal slaves". Because once you are convicted of a crime, you no longer have the rights of a person and can justifiably be given less than human standards because they are implied as being just that.

The manga suggesting that government subsidies was the same as indentured servitude. One is resources given w/o string attached to better the individuals and society as a whole, the other is a contractual agreement exchanging liberties and freedom for security and livelihood.

The noble also talks about the slave system as if it is like a live in service industry (like a maid/butler). And then immediately tries to get the MC glorified sex slaves.
realistically it's a system that can easily be exploited by framing people as criminals not to mention we already have numerous isekai titles going "but turns out the criminal slave is innocent all along" and i geeeet that to a lot of isekai authors just don't see it as anything but a convenient way to show that there are only good guys in the protagonist's party and i already dropped this manga so i dont even know if the chosen slave turns out to be innocent or not but it's a common flaw across isekais for protagonists who were born and raised in a world where society condemns the concept of slavery to easily accept the explanation of the locals that it's a humane trade

even if it IS a humane trade (which honestly another flaw is that these isekais also keep failing to sell the narrative because it just doesn't think too deeply about how the system works or how the concept of criminal slaves can be used to strip people of their human rights) it's such a cop-out to have the protagonists (especially those who didn't grow up with the system in place!) get over their hesitation in one or two chapters

obviously not every isekai is this shallow and i guess it's less important to think too deeply about the implications in a series like this one that focuses on feeling good than worldbuilding. the slavery narrative existing isn't the problem, the problem is how it tends to be used as a convenient shortcut to secure the loyalty of someone strong.

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