Argent has no idea how scary Tougo could be if he just wanted to. He could draw up an army (given enough time to recover in between) or just portray him crippled and disfigured (he was able to recover lost body parts from Fei before; it can be reasonably assumed it'd also work the other way around).
Oh well, this being the story it is that won't happen and we'll see the Redgards suffer for a while before the old guy gets his retribution.
Howabout drawing money and slowly destroying other territory's economy undetected?
Drawing new terrain/road&signpost to stall army. Drawing poisonous creatures to harass them. Drawing molds and bugs to deny their supply. Drawing rust to their weapons and armors.
There're so many cheap and mild ways to actually crush enemies in
various ways when your ability is creation/reality warping.