Lady Baby - Vol. 2 Ch. 51

Aug 18, 2019
7 Years is actually not that much xD It looks strange to you now, because Lippe is 5. With a 5yo actually, any kind of romance connotation makes me cringe *LOL* Wait until she is... let's say 20, and he is a dashing 27yo. Looks completely different.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
These 2 are way too young to have so many romantic scenes together. What 12 year old crushes on a 5 year old?? The author needs to age them up fast, I'm getting squicked out
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
STOP IT! Stop making me ship these two; this is torturing me so much ;A; Oh gosh
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
This shits getting weird. Even if she's physically 5 she's still an adult??¿¿¿
Active member
Aug 20, 2019

why did they make her 15 when her whole family died tho... it means all the plot changes has to occur before shes 15 (including romance uhhhh im so uncomfortable...)
Apr 26, 2020
how is hal a pedo if hes 12 ??? and yes lippe is 5 but .. hal isnt a 20 year old man crushing on her ???
Mar 31, 2018
@eunoiavity Local age of consent laws do though. Even if nothing is happening, even the perception/chance of it can be enough to destroy someone. As they say, age is just a number, but so is is a prison sentence.
Jul 6, 2020
@saphirekosmos yes, you are right; but if there’s love in the relationship, then it does not matter (of course, just my opinion). as they say, “age is just a number, jail is just a room.”

also, these huge age gap romance is actually common in some anime/mangas/webtoon. for example: Ritsuka Aoyagi (12) and Soubi Agatsuma (20).

in the bible, it never said you have to be 18 or whatever the age is to love someone.

anyways, you can believe what you want to believe, but this is what i believe in. i believe that no matter the age, weight, and doesn’t matter. you can love whoever you want. to me, this is the meaning of love. who cares about the law? us living beings needs love.
Mar 31, 2018
@eunoiavity Eh. I agree, but only to a point. While I do think anyone of any age could fall in love with anyone else of any age, I do think there is a point where the older party needs to go "No, they are too young for this.". Granted there are always exceptions, I've known people much younger than me that were more mentally mature than I was.

I've seen many age gaps relationships too, hell I even have a soft spot for them. While I do think there is an age range where someone is too young to be able to be in a healthy relationship, once you reach a certain point mentally I don't think it matters anymore. Who cares if your lover is twice your age so long as you are both happy. I've met enough adults who are less mature than high schoolers to make me jaded to the whole "you keep getting more mature as you get older" thing.

I don't put much stock in the bible so whether it lays down age of consent laws doesn't mean anything to me. I do think that said laws tend to be a bit arbitrary and will never fit all situations.

While I think "who cares about the law? us living beings needs love." is a great ideal, reality is often a bitch. If you don't care about the law then you risk your entire life potentially being destroyed. Anime/manga always ignore or sugarcoat this, which I think is fine. I don't read this stuff for it's realism, I read it to take a break from realism. Koi Kaze was probably the most realistically portrayed "taboo romance" I've ever seen, it also had the double whammy of sibling incest and and age gap. Never felt so much visceral tension watching something until I saw this show.

At the end of the day everyone's life is theirs to do with as they wish, and as long as you are not hurting your partner then whatever. Not my place to stick my nose into it even if I don't condone or agree with it.

More topically I'd say people making a fuss over Hal liking her are being dumb. I doubt there is any physical attraction felt, though there is almost certainly mental attraction. Considering she acts like someone 3 times her age I'd say you can't really fault him.

Also sorry for the wall of text, just started typing and rambled more than I meant to.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
in other manga romances this would be supported despite the 7 year gap
only problem is THEY ARE TOO YOUNG!!!!!!!!
Jul 17, 2020
Why is everybody saying that hal is a pedo when their age gap is only 7 years??? There are more manhwas that have larger age gaps like who made me a princess, but i dont see anybody complaining?? If u hate or feel disgusted by this then stop reading it, nobody’s forcing you.
Jul 22, 2020
I think its time to come to terms with the fact that the author is indulging in some sort of age-based fetish. There is simply no reason to have this many awkward romantically and sexually tense scenes between per-pubescent children, what more applying such adult like romantic social norms on children as though its normal. We finally get a chapter developing the 'oh my whole family is going to be murdered' plot 51 chapters in, and yet all its done is made me realize that waiting through 51 chapters of kiddie dating school was not worth it.

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