Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 99

May 13, 2020
while Im thankful for the translations, its a little upsetting that this group releases chapters only after another group releases them. Makes it feel like youre hoarding all the chapters even tho they could be released sooner. Big oof. This isn't the first time this has happened either
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Tricky situation when it's a free, but still quality, project.

1) Could be used to imply a paywall (as in "Come subscribe to our [whatever] for advance chapter!") <--Frustrating crap.
2) Can also be used to insist that readers go pay the original author. <-- I wish I had the $ to do this more often. :(

2a) Can be used to try and remove some heat from the unofficial TL so owning publisher doesn't get too fired up about shutting it down. (Legally, I think international copyright/patent law says owners are unable to be selective of who they prosecute for infringement. They have to hit everyone with their full ability or hit no one, no middle ground. But practically speaking there is some wiggle room .. as long as the original publisher doesn't formally 'know' it's happening).

I'm just happy the TL is in fact quality, release speed can be ignored if you try hard enough...
Sep 13, 2019
Super confused maybe I forgot/missed something, but was MC’s relationship in the original timeline with the Prince ever explained? Why were they so close in the original timeline I don’t get it?
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
@icesk8terdiaz We releases chapters when they are ready. You speak as if you know NASS well so, either:

1. You only see/read what suits you.
2. You know very well, since we have mentioned it COUNTLESS times, we have something called a PUBLIC PROGRESS SHEET, (which mean it's available for everybody to check) that updates on the status of EACH chapter (very detailed btw) of EACH series, we basically have proof that we aren't "hoarding" and despite knowing that, you commented this.

I understand that you may be frustrated that we aren't going as fast as you hope. But that doesn't give you the right to spit on my team or my teammates' integrity towards scans, nor to accuse us of something you have no proof of. We have a history of having chapters stolen from our drive when they were almost ready to be released, so I'm thinking maybe that's what giving you this impression? Because the first thing you do when you realise your hard work, or your team's hard work has been stolen and uploaded by someone else is to make sacrifices (sleep, meals, breaks) to try and fix this.
The work we do is completely free (no one's paying us for this right?), and we do it in our free time, do you want us to apologise that sometimes we can't go as fast as you want because we are caught up with life? (School, sickness, work...etc)

Sure, saying things like 'I wish this was updated more regularly' (Although we always end up mass releasing at some point and catching up to raws but oh well.) would be ok. But accusing us like this makes me feel really upset. All we want is to offer all of you good and quality content. That takes time.
We never asked the other group to stop translating, so you may read their updates if you wish.

Have a nice day.
Oct 24, 2020
@AkaiHidan you went a little overboard, the usser just stated something, he/she never insulted or spitted on anyone from Nass. It is true that is a little frustrating seeing how the group goes behind other translators, but that's it.
And about the other groups, don't lie, your team has asked and is known for trying to get down others who get their hands on the same Manga you translate, most of the time, because it feels like is abandoned.
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
@Irisdaen I said NASS's integrity towards scans. which is what they did insinuating we are hoarding.
And I didn't lie. we never asked these people that are releasing lady baby to stop. Don't try to twist what I said. We did it once with another group when THEY came asking us if we wanted them to stop, we just said yes after they asked. Proof on internet. So yeah, don't lie.
May 13, 2020
@akaihidan I get that you're upset and I'm sorry about that. However, I honestly have never seen a progress sheet from your page, because I have looked before (I also do read a lot of your content and pay attention to announcement pages). I dont know where else it would be. The only other scans team that I know has it is HaruParty. I also understand that you guys are producing quality content, which I am grateful for and I really wouldn't mind paying because I usually support the authors when things get officially updated as well. If you could point me to your public progress sheet I'd be more than happy to stfu since I wouldn't be wondering about when chapters would get released. Thanks
Nov 27, 2019

If you're on the NASS discord server, you can click on the channel under [Important stuff], then click ahead on #faq-it. If you scroll up, exactly on the 3rd q&a, it says

Where can I find [blank]
↳ We do not have a schedule for updates so please be patient and wait for them. You can, however, check our progress by using the link

Hope that answers your question. It's very easy to find.
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
@icesk8terdiaz I'm super glad we're coming to this! It is mentionned in the annoucement (march last year) and the link was/is avaliable permatently on our FAQ for as long as i can remember!
Imma just copy paste what's written in FAQ:
**When is the next chapter for [blank]?**
↳ We do not have a schedule for updates so please be patient and wait for them. You can, however, check our progress by using the link

These last months I've been hospitalized a lot, but each time I am better, and have more free time I do everything I can to catch up to the raws for our series. (For lady baby the last released of raws is chapter 113 so we're not that far at all!)

Anyway, thank you for reading us, you can message me anytime on my discord Akai#9979 to ask me questions about updates, and last but not least I am sorry if my answer came off a bit rude, I was just getting frustrated with the people that say that we "hoard" chapters on purpose.
May 13, 2020
@akaihidan The fault isn't just with you. I apologize if I made it seem like I'm ungrateful for the work you guys do, because I really do enjoy reading your guys' work. I'm absolutely fine with no set schedule because I do know shit happens (I hope you get better!). I'll just keep looking at the progress sheet to see how far you guys have come. I appreciate the link to the progress sheet!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2020
Hrm... his tie pin as a kid matches her pendant in her coming of age party. (strokes chin)🧐
Mar 7, 2019
Thanks For Your Hard Work!!!! ♡♡♡ Can't Wait For More!!!! ♡♡♡ And Stay Safe!!!
May 20, 2019
Wow! Thanks for the quality! The other one was so much worse that I didn't even want to read it! I'll just wait for yours!
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2019
Wait what happen with comment section. Two adults admitting their mistakes and ending the argument on positive notes?
God i hope every internet rants end like this.

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