Lady Baby

Oct 1, 2020
I'm developing a daddy addiction with reading this after The youngest princess.... any recommendations?😅
Apr 24, 2020
My main problem with this is that it sets up the MC to be this amazing and perfect character and focuses less on the actual plot. Like everything happens just to show that she’s smart, great, number 1 at everything, which is fine, but I’d like to see things progress because of the original plot line. We’re almost 100 chapters in and literally nothing has happened. All we’re seeing is the same 5-year-old boys falling in love with her and her defeating adults who are jealous of her (of a 5-year-old? Really?).

It seems that the author is more focused on pushing the MC as a Mary Sue rather then just getting on with the plot and progressing things.
Jul 7, 2020
I remember reading this and really like since it's really similar to ascendance of bookworm, but now i reconsider what i thought. If i want to compare, ascendance of bookworm is so much better, the author really did a good job with world building and consistent characters, ofc there's flaw like how adult like lutz is even tho he's only idk, 8 year old boy perhaps, even with medieval standard, he's too mature.
Back to lady baby, aside from how slow the pace is, author is too focused on how our mc impress others, its feel like author forgot what is the main plot is and decided to fill chapters with unnecessary stuff.
Oct 14, 2020
It's a good read but I'd have to agree that the pacing is super slow and just focuses on Lippe being great and perfect. When she first started speaking a proper sentence back when she was a baby (and even after), it was super cringy as hell too.

The last time I read this was was around chapter 90 or so and she's still a young kid. And from what I remember, isn't her goal to save her family from their horrible fates? Then why focus so much on her childhood and how she's being coddled by everyone around her and not actually doing much on the 'changing her family's fate' part?
Apr 25, 2020
This new chapter made me super happy! They celebrated her birthday, and it is my birthday today too so it made me kinda feel they were celebrating for me 😊😍
Sep 9, 2019
This is super affing slow 90+ chapters and she isn't even close t saving her family or even knowing what happened it's very very very slow... Thanks for the new chapter thou~ much appreciated the translation is very good as well
Apr 12, 2020
I'm waiting for people to realize that this will turn into (i literally kid you not) into a magical girl singing competition between MC and the future saint lmao. 😂😂😂 This started so serious and dark, and it's developing into a Pretty Cure rip-off hahahaha isekai version.
Nov 18, 2020
Absolutely in love with this story, some say its too long but I think its long enough to build connections and attachments right before the author makes this a true tragedy again and fakes almost everyone’s death to have my bawling like a baby ✨
Apr 12, 2020
@clover7 I'm really not joking. I've seen spoilers about the novel, and yeah, that's pretty much what happens. There's even a novel cover showing her
as an idol with a fancy microphone.
I think this was supposed to be obvious, kind of, since MC was given a second life
due to the goddess liking her singing and her voice. We also find out that MC has the ability to 'cleanse' people's uhhh... souls I guess? She can kind of, sort of bless them? Or just make them happy in general. But this wouldn't be our MC if she couldn't earn money from it, so everything turns into show business.
Honestly, I feel very disappointed the story boils down to that, but I guess there are people who like this sort of stuff.
Apr 28, 2020
@miraianna omg whAt LMAOOO 😭😭 read ur spoilers and wtf 😭😭😭⁉️ ngl i was um,, expecting lippe revenge n dark plot twist not
magical girl singing competition plot⁉️⁉️ wtf um,,,,, 😭
in that case I’ll also put this on hold bc wtf—

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