Lady Evony - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

Jan 12, 2020
I've been wondering about this for a while now, but where did all her scars go? Weren't they all over her body? Not it looks like there are none on her arms or back when there were plenty before. These scars should've made her pretty recognizable as a criminal, so I was wondering how the author wanted to deal with them possibly blowing her cover. I just didn't expect them to become such a non-issue.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
How in the world did they get rid of long term scars in a span of two months? Also, her mental stability changed way too quickly for my liking (for her to be doing this whole Joker and being a puppet thing) but I guess I'll just keep going with the flow.
Jan 6, 2020

It hasn't even been a few months, its been a few days. Their was a whole debate if you read the other comments about if the relationship between the Duke & Ebony is abusive in some way
and how the story bla bla bla's over Ebony's abuse. I see a lot of korean stories doing things, they pepper in horrific abuse on the female lead and never address it later.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
@blazing_boz I have read the comments- I was a part of them lol. But I still felt that it wasn't dealt with enough for me to accept what they're doing now which is what I had said in my previous comment. Also, pretty sure that it was at least more than just a few days since the righthand man said he couldn't quite trust Ebony when they first started the mission. He says specifically that he didn't trust her but only for the first few days. Can't be sure if it's two months but definitely more than 'a few'. Honestly, I feel like 'a few' is also loosely used here. Well, regardless of how long, still doesn't explain the disappearance of the scars- whether a few days or a couple months. Overall, this story is frustrating hahaha ๐Ÿ˜…
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
I think it has been over 2 months already, not just a few days

other than that, I really like her "guards"
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
She's basically an indentured servant...

No matter what the Duke is thinking, he is using her as a pawn, and the blond haired guy doesn't seem any better than any of the other people in that country who look down on women.


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
@HOOfan_1 : I agree with you that the blond dude is no different than the people of the country (pretty sure he's NOT a foreigner, unlike the other help). You could tell base on how he didn't want her in the manor.

Nothing wrong with being a servant. What's the difference between her and the butler?

The only difference is no one probably wanted to take her in when the Queen (who's name I forgotten) ordered her release. The Archduke basically stuck his neck out for her (in her eyes) and said, "I'll take in that woman that murdered her own father and fiance, I'll be responsible for her actions." As for using her...he had a job and she fitted the role. Pretty sure if she could not do it, he wouldn't kick her out. He'd just ignore her but the granny and others would still treat her well.
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
@Meo Indentured servants are just a step above slaves. A regular servant can quit at any time. An indentured servant is not allowed to quit, they have to keep working a certain amount of time. In fact the UN has classified Indentured servitude as slavery.


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
@HOOfan_1 : I really don't see her position much more different than the Doctor's actually. The Doctor didn't want to go to that backward male bigot country yet because she sworn her loyalty to the Duke she went (yes, that was her own choice).

Ebony had no choice and was taken in. She signed a contract. But lets say she did not feel grateful and indebted to the Duke, she deemed the mission he had for her too dangerous, she did not want to go. She merely needed to "act" incompetent. The Duke would probably never expect anything from her and just leave her in the Manor. Even if you don't feel she has a "choice", in fact, she did have a choice. She purposely "passed" his test and it was not because her life was in danger if she failed. Rather, her life is considerably more difficult because she passed.

Personally, I think she has it better than being in the military where they give you a mission and you're expected to carry it out. If you don't, you're a traitor to the nation.
Feb 16, 2018
I honestly wonder what kind of story some of you guys wanted. A soft, quiet, slow romance about a woman recovering from abuse? But you have to remember that she wasn't just recovering from abuse, she was a death row inmate, vilified and framed for a crime she didn't commit, in a country where women are treated like second class citizens. Do you want her to just ignore all that and find her own happiness?

Plus, the duke is not her lover, friend, or family. It's natural that he took her in for his own goals. If she was truly just a damaged damsel, he would've left her alone, but she showed that she had the guts, intelligence, and willingness to fight and help him with his plans. She's not being forced, she does have a choice.
Active member
Apr 25, 2020
THAT PUSHUP SHE'S WEARING IS AMAZING!!!! ...*cough* I also like how awesomely she assumed the role of 'Raven' and is willing to battle the society that destroyed her... >>;

*small voice*

(but that pushup is so amazing, zomg, gurl, I love it...!)
Apr 29, 2019
oh gosh! she is gorgeous! like remember her in ch1? and how she changed with every chapter little by little? it's amazing character development!
Mar 25, 2019
Love this buuuuuttttt did the artist just forget about her scars? Lacerations like that especially on her hands can't be hidden by some fishnet ๐Ÿคจ

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