Lamia Orphe Is Dead - Ch. 29 - The Maid from Kioren

Mar 2, 2019
These are certainly horrible things to do but they are definitely not pointless. This series really illustrates how ruthless Nobles are in protecting themselves.
Active member
Dec 16, 2019
I think I drop this for now cause reading this make me feel super bad for the kid.
Lamia family are so annoying to look and the reason I read this because the ML looks adorable.
I will be back for aquila but not for lamia.
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2018
The kid is a trigger for what is basically a coup supported by an outside force. There is no way soldiers aren't dying. The least bloodless route is for the kid to die. The second least bloodless route is for all other Orphes' to die. And quite frankly, the second is still gonna be pretty fucking bloody because one such member of the family is being protected by a guy who can probably nuke a town and won't give a damn. So only one person dying is probably a miracle at this point. Based on history and fiction, cases like this where some illegitimate child comes up with the right to succession NEVER ends up pretty if you leave them be. there is gonna be a war.
Oct 11, 2018

Historically entire families have been murdered so a puppet illegitimate male child could take over the seat as well without opposition from any family blood ties. Even women were murdered- because depending on rights of succession in different nations- if a woman of the line bears a male child through a legitimate marriage, the male child can inherit the full title/assets so it won't be absorbed back into the crown.

Leaving a male illegitimate kid alone is asking for political trouble that will affect a kingdom's politics - especially a ducal house. Seizing the kid is like seizing a gold mine for an opposition group to gain power. Even if the nephew lived in his uncle's household who isn't to say his mother won't set him up to assassinate his family members to take over the estate? That's also happened in the past as well.

There's no such thing as a 'peaceful' resolution with an illegitimate male child. The fact he's male alone gives him enough power by existing to overthrow a lot of shit. If he were a she, then no generally (most of the time) because patriarchy. Female illegitimate children rising to power are rarer in history.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 2, 2018
I don't think it's a good idea to apply modern day ethics to this situation, since in todays world inheriting governmental power isn't really much of a thing.
In history yeah, best thing to do is to kill the kid. Life isn't fair.
Then again we have a bullshit o/p magic ML who can prolly fix things.
Nov 8, 2018
In this world, gender isnt metter. Lamia is allowed to be the Heir and Duke despite her being a woman, she already given up to be the heir and be the knight instead of his brother. So the logic behind, only male is allowed yo be the heir is invalid. Lamia's society isnt the same as our world. so the apperent threat isnt that much a threat at all. Did you forget about her brother? Even if Uri did become the duke, at the end Lamia still become the heir, until Uri having his own heir.
There's always solution besides killing the kid? By killing the boy, Lamia and her father are taking the easy way out. I wouldnt be surprise if the mother of the child, will murder them both, if they proceed with the plan. Serve them right I say, and burn The Orphe's family to the ground.
Dont compare with our modern world ethics you say? killing a child is never in any era is permisable and ethically correct. It is wrong, and karma will bite them in the future.
Oct 11, 2018

I was talking context to history not to the series itself. But the series borrows from history. Magic and women gaining ownership/power aside.

You don't have to like it, but you can't close your eyes and pretend killing to consolidate or solidify power never happened because it did. Still does today to a certain extent in some countries. I wasn't condoning the killing of a child. I was pointing out the fact that it was common and it happened.

You can't compare modern day society's views on historical views because the past was a completely different world. If you have issue with it go read something else. The past is riddled with really messed up stuff.

Welcome to the world of nobility and monarchy of the past. This shit was common. It happened. Yeah it is the easy way out because it cost less in the long run to their family and they did it any way.

By acknowledging that bad things happened in the past and understanding that it existed, we can actually move forward to prevent the same thing from happening. By pretending it never happened is asking for the same horrific things to happen again. If you can't stomach the cold, hard truth that horrific things happened in the past then move on and read other things. The series more than blatantly screamed politics and power struggles from the beginning.
Apr 11, 2019
the amount of 'whoa's' i said when the maid said the child's father was the brother. Oh my god
Jan 22, 2018
Okay here’s something that doesn’t make sense. Why doesn’t she tell the duke or fmc? She obviously has access to them now so if they take custody of the kid they will have no need to kill him.

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