I've always hated the "Humans are evil" beats on stories and the like. They feel too self-serving and aggrandazing, like it's trying too much at sounding either philosophically deep with very basic ideas or intellectually relevant when it's just laziness in the details—Not to mention biased, boring and cheap. I'm not gonna lie, I feel the same way towards this, especially when all bad that's happened in the story is actually a fault of the same ones condemning humanity or that are supposedly distinct from it lol. But it's beautiful, and fun.
It's not perfect in any way, but much like Phos, I love the good as much as I love the bad, and when it's all put together it's much better than the sum of it's parts. That's happiness to me.
We're close to the end. Let's hope in Phos' Nirvana they find happiness forever.