Finally, the one I've been waiting to see appears.
But imagine a bunch of people complaining about her physical appearance when no one--not now, in 2018, nor for all the decades of anime/manga preceding--complained about lolis showing up nearly everywhere (they are now capable of showing up anywhere--there is no barrier to entry for lolis, thanks pedos) in virtually every capacity: whether as lovers for anyone sexually mature or as million-year-old, all-powerful lolibabas (the age may not even be bothered with), no one's had a problem with them.
Still sad that she had to be saddled with green eyes under her blonde hair, though: mangaka seem to believe that, if a heroine is a long-haired blonde and busty, blue eyes--which would fit infinitely better for a few reasons--are forbidden. (Even more so if the girl does not have 24/7 hard eyes.) You have to wonder why this has come to be such an ironclad rule specifically for girls with large busts, but not the alternative.
Time to see what sort of treatment this mangaka has in store for this princess knight. For all I say, I hope it's good--the manga, despite some flaws, is interesting and entertaining.