@crazybars i don't think his S-class HP increases his defense so if anything he's just a HP sponge. to kill a HP sponge, you need to kill him harder until he die to death.
@Wolvenworks but now he can also fight/push back, while when taking damage not even flinch or whatsoever.
god, if that rabbit wouldn't be so hot I'd really rage a lil bit!
@crazybars , I think if there is numerical value, One level up will increase exponentially
Ex : HP (x Rank, Every Rank up, The value increase per digit)
F Rank = 10
E Rank = 100
D Rank = 1,000
C Rank = 10,000
B Rank = 100,000
A Rank = 1,000,000
S Rank = 10,000,000
- Assumse Slime Attack 5 HP, He'll die 2 times at F rank, But when S Rank The slime need 2 million times hit
- Assumse Physco Rabbit Attack is 1,000... Yep, D rank can one-hit die, C Rank may Bleed. But Our MC is S rank, His HP got hit once (9,999,000 [99,99%])