You're talking about the world where a bunny girl can just randomly cave people's skulls in, no consequence. With the shitty stat 'system' in place, might makes right. Of course they're gonna ignore it...
No clue about the toxicity, but if anyone was wondering a 2LDK is a 2 bedroom with a Living room/area, Dining room/area, and Kitchen. In case it wasn't obvious! Cheers!
Sarcasm aside, there is no saying if it has a bathroom or not based on the given acronym "2LDK" but given basic living standards, im assuming there is one. Or, a really nice outhouse. Or a shared bathroom since I think it's an apartment.
No, it isn't. And even if it was, the guild would still have its own security, otherwise it would not survive a week, given the people it cater to.
This is just some stereotypical bullshit in an attempt to trudge through this mess of a plot, and maybe throwing some more harem hooks in the mix.
Thanks for the chapter!
Why'd he shoot that zombie on page 5? All it wanted was an autograph and his brains. Wouldn't a simple no have worked? Poor Ina, worked herself to death and has become an undead worker who no longer is allowed to eat or sleep and just mindlessly work. Guy on page 13 is a good example of what happens when not careful with the piercings select. Probably bad tempered because keeps poking any girl tries to kiss or get close to. Good thing Ryouta went with a freeze bullet. If had injured the guy would be in trouble. As for that poor fellow he's going to end up in the clink for a while and black listed at all the shops.
Mind your own business, flatty receptionist. He's not shallow minded he's not interested. The fact you are acting like you know how people should think makes you both shallow AND arrogant. Just buy his stuff and keep your shallow opinions to yourself.