I read this chapter a few weeks ago and I just had to LOL.
From what others say, there might no longer be anything to look forward to after this 😆
Oh and this manga adap is already completed at Chapter 44 so you now know why.
My emotions are on a rollercoaster, that also spins around.
I have no idea what to make of this development. I suppose I shouldn't impose on other's relationships, but I don't feel like I can cheer them on. ... Like, imagine the main character decided to marry a doll. I'd feel the same way.
Thal’s balls, the Cleavage Murderer’s back! He murdered the cleavage at pg9 and 11 in cold blood! I thought this heinous barbarian was already gone but yet again that savage slaughtered these innocent cleavages without naught a remorse! Are we really just going to let this villain leave like it’s Tuesday?