Ugh, Nao's hypocrisy and insufferable self-righteousness has been evident for a long time, but it's really hit a peak in this issue (which is why I cannot help but comment).
She wants to claim that people are good, can be trusted, are not deceitful, that she did not succeed through deceit, etc., but the fact is that she has benefited from tricks, manipulation, and even strong-arm tactics. Her allies have employed these, and even she has herself on a few occasions. In fact, it is fair to say that she has gotten where she is in the game only because of those tricks and the leverage she has over other individuals. The only one, arguably, who has helped her willingly was Akiyama, and even he has his own reasons for doing what he does.
Plus, the whole time she's talking to Abe (and generally reaching out to the Hasimoto group) she is not being transparent. Rather, she is seeking to manipulate them to her own ends by way of who she talks to and how she talks to them.
I dearly hope that the author exposes and examines her hypocrisy and what it means in the context of the (seeming) social commentary he has created, but so far I have seen little to no signs of it.