Toua Tokuchi, the protagonist of
One Outs. (Written by the same author as Liar Game, and also has an anime adaptation. I rated the anime 7/10, and the manga 10/10. I watched the anime and then switched to the manga.)
Shigeru Akagi, the protagonist of
Mahjong Legend Akagi. (I watched the anime and didn't like it very much; rated it 5/10. Too slow paced for me, but Akagi was a nice Light Yagami-style character. The manga was written by the same guy who did Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor if you've heard of it.)
Johan Liebert, the antagonist in
Monster. (I watched the anime, and it was extremely well-written. Rated it 9/10.)
Shougo Makishima, the antagonist in the first season of
Psycho-Pass. (I rated the anime 8/10, but didn't watch the second season because I heard it was terrible.)
Can't believe someone replied to a comment I made 12 months ago lol.