Gonna be honest I only came here for the smut and daily dose of mUh sUffEring but for fuck’s sake this guy is the frustrating and Narita deserves someone much, much, better, at least someone who’d be honest and ACTUALLY COMMJNICATE with her like a normal sane adult instead of dunno whatever this mess is???????
Probably it’s me being oversensitive from my own experience of being involved with someone similar to this pathetic excuse of crappy ass (at least not to the point where we’d sleep together, thank god) but hoo boy can definitely confirm a guy like Ichi is a big no-no. Relationships like these are NOT romantic and healthy irl and is going to chip away your mental health bit by bit. Sorry for my autistic rant but this story resonates with so much that it hurts and I don’t want to see someone else (yes, even a fictional character) to go through a shitty phase like myself had gone.
That said, this manga is still continuing for long ways though judging from the number of covers uploaded so I’m gonna stick to see how it goes. Hopefully there’ll be some actual development instead of the usual “I love you but we can’t be together because reasons!!!!!
(((“ schtick. Also, thanks for the translation Friendship Scans!