Limited Time Princess

Aug 17, 2019
okay I think it needs to be explained because it wasn't done well enough here.
Our blonde princess is a legitimate princess.
She was born under the current emperor/king along with her brother, the current crown prince.
Her father, the current emperor/king, is the brother of the late and former emperor/king. The late and former emperor/king fell in love with the previous sainteness and redhead princess's mom.
They pa pa pa'd even though it is against sainteness religious beliefs. Sainteness becomes pregnant, is informed that the child in her stomach will die if she stayed in the palace so she runs away.
After successfully giving birth to her daughter and the original female lead, the sainteness dies.
Her daughter therefore lives as an orphan with no clue about her bloodline and birthright.
Since she came from the previous emperor/king her right to the throne should be higher than our main character and her brother. However, it is at this point that I feel there are some plotholes because I do not know why they question our main character's bloodline when she has also been proven to have the blood of the first empress.
Apr 19, 2019
I think the main reason to destroy Shaylia's reputation has to do with the heroine being a bastard baby? I mean, yeah she was born from the (ILLEGAL/TABOO) romance from the saintess and the crazy emperor. If she had been legitimized, she would have been in line, but I don't see that happening if she had stayed. Balancing that, she is strong in the goddess's features (gold eyes, red hair) which are implied to be part of the local religion and cultural importance, whereas the current imperial family lacks them, which added to the fact that they are the line of the younger brother (that may have had to usurp his crazy brother) and the whole line may be considered out of the goddess's favor in some circles.

Even now, Shaylia's brother has been named heir, even though she was born first, and is legitimate, and therefore has a strong argument for getting the crown as well. I bet there is an issue between the church and the current Imperial family / Shaylia's faction in some way.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dec 7, 2019
Seems like many villainess manhwas are going to get the official english translation soon and many good ones are dropped or soon to be. The problem with the official English is you either have to pay(I know this is the most ethical one but it is a little annoying as you have to pay every chapter) or wait for a long time to get it for free. damn
May 14, 2019
i don't mind actually if this series got officials.. but the problem is some of the site didn't avaliable for my country.. like this one... LOL
Jun 21, 2020
Seriously... lehzin is not available in my country
And i hate to pay for app that translated not as good as all the groups in Mangadex
Guess i just have to give up on this one 🤧🤧😭
Aug 10, 2020
Thank you for the chapters! Really liking the story so far. Hope Tesrick isn't the ML 😣
Jan 28, 2020
This series made me realize how small details can lead to a big issue of making the whole story and common sense of the world look bad. Very generic, nothing out of the ordinary. Doesn't have interesting characters or plot as well.
Oct 29, 2020
I really, really love this! (and the art...omg)
Hope another teal will pick this up. Not all of us are rich enough to pay a fortune to read each chapter *sigh*
Sep 18, 2020
As good as this one can be, I'm still confused at several parts
She's a princess but why branded as fake? (Sure she's not a saintess' child but isn't she a child of the current emperor?)
I understand if the saintess hates her for her rumour or bad deed but she's not the crown heir. I might be too much but in other manhwas, those with that kind of face and role is sus (or on side with people who tired to harm MC solely for their own purpose)

I read raw, and there's a page where real protag looks sus to me with failed google translate but a black balloon doesn't look with good intention to me

The white haired guy also looks sus, it might be a jinx (falling chandelier or exploded pot) or he can do magic and sabotages thing?

I won't believe the fiancé is ML, he looks bland (just like what a side chara gets)

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