Hi everybody, I want to start this message off by thanking everybody who has been supporting our translations up to now. We’re really grateful for the overwhelming amount of love we’ve received. I can personally say that I’ve read every comment that I’ve received, and it always makes my day whenever I read them.
Now, onto addressing the elephant in the room: snipers. I do have to say, I never anticipated that the series would ever be popular enough to have snipers, though it seems like reality has proven me wrong.
@ItsMeDre @WaterProofTree You’re both always welcome to swing into my dms to contact me regarding collaboration. Me and the people I’m working with have always held the philosophy that if a sniper does better work than us, then we’d be more than happy to work on another series. However, I hope you do understand that it’s rather annoying seeing someone else post a chapter you spent hours working on, as that’s time that could’ve been spent doing something else. Please don’t be afraid to contact me whenever you want to discuss!
Moving on, if you do still continue to snipe, while I do think it’s coming from a place of good intentions — speeding up release times and letting readers read earlier — I do have to critique the fundamental way you are translating the work. The double translation from Chinese -> Portuguese -> English definitely loses a lot of the nuances in the original comic and story. Most phrases are easy to translate, however, there will always be some nuance lost as you are reinterpreting someone else's interpretation of the original work, meaning cultural connotations and references could be lost during the process. This can be most obviously seen in the chapter title for ch31, which in the raws is “这是可以磕吗?”, where “磕” is chinese slang for “ship,” meaning that it roughly translates to “Is this ok to ship?” yet you’ve translated it to “Is it true?”, which loses the original meaning. This can also be seen with other parts of ch31, and you can compare both translations to see that there exist some pretty big differences for some lines. If you want to tl, I would definitely suggest just putting the raws through an AI and comparing it. While it would still struggle on some hard to interpret lines, it would at the very least mitigate the information loss during the translations. There are also plenty of other resources online to learn Chinese!!
Finally, I want to just say to everybody that it does seem like the snipers are coming with good intentions of spreading the story around. After all, it still takes time and effort to translate, typeset, and upload these chapters. And while this doesn’t excuse their actions, I think it’s still important to maintain civil discussion regarding this topic. I can’t stress this enough, but please
don’t harass other scanlators, it’s all volunteer work at the end of the day!!
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I know I’m quite verbose in my writing, but I just can’t help it

. Once again, thank you for your continued support for our translations, and don’t forget to
support our lovely author at
https://manga.bilibili.com/detail/mc33248 (no matter how much they love cliffhangers and misunderstandings)
With love,
-Gottagofastsonic, myeobi, & jawz