aaaa, jejku, jejku, moje serce, chyba zrobię czytanie od początku by czuć dziką radość ich szczęściem jeszcze mocniej, sjdhhshs, źle działa na mnie ta manga, bo jakoś zachęca mnie do prób integracji z resztą społeczeństwa
Idk the language but regardless of that..this manga is truly amazing, I got to recommend it to someone and I think they liked it. This should be more famous.
Idk the language but regardless of that..this manga is truly amazing, I got to recommend it to someone and I think they liked it. This should be more famous.
I'm very glad to hear that, it's an interesting story in it's own way
I just believe it should have been known more outside of China/Asia to be honest with you.. (I'm from Europe and English is my 2nd language)