They already proven the healer concept in the previous run with Kamiyu. The second run is for Amy and solidify the fact it is a proven proof that the concept is applicable to any party that have no member with unique skill.
Yeah. Super confused more and more. I mean @Owen I guess he's trying to promote the 3 role party format of tank dps heals. He's just ONLY using 1 of each to prove to others how great a party form it is when you have all 3. I'm just confused on why he cares to do this.
I suppose it'll help him get a job as in spot in future parties. But it really just seems like this MC cares about everyone else too much.
He cares about his shitty nickname and reputation as well as all the other healers.
Why does he keep on saying that he doesn't want to party with them again after the contract expires, and yet spends several chapters moping about the party contract expiring?
@feha it's more that he's assuming that Amy will have to go back to her work with the guild, and Garm will... something? He would like to do so, but he thinks that the other two wouldn't be able to and/or wouldn't want to. He's the rare "not necessarily romantically dense, but still dense" MC.
@CaTastrophy427 if that is all it was, he would have asked them if they wanted to continue at the very least (Doesn't even have to be full-time). Particularly when they get all despondent on him and its obvious (for both us and him) they want to continue.