Since yesterday I have a small problem, it is not possible for me to log in. Every time I do, I switch back to the homepage, but I'm not logged in. I have deleted all cookies and so on. The problem is since yesterday, I had a little problem with some programs on my PC. (to the new program and the old computer). It is constantly in Internet Explorer, at Operra and Firefox sometimes.
Do you have some suggestions how to fix it.
Many Thanks
Since yesterday I have a small problem, it is not possible for me to log in. Every time I do, I switch back to the homepage, but I'm not logged in. I have deleted all cookies and so on. The problem is since yesterday, I had a little problem with some programs on my PC. (to the new program and the old computer). It is constantly in Internet Explorer, at Operra and Firefox sometimes.
Do you have some suggestions how to fix it.
Many Thanks