Looking for this authour/artist based on his manga work !

Sep 24, 2020
I remember reading some manga by this authour but i forgot the manga name but i remember it was by this authour/artist

There is one of his manga work, it was his first manga published and got axed, it was fully translated

Story :

Humans has been at war , they also resort by using chimera by fusing animal dna with human dna as weapon, but the experiment is failure. At certain age the chimera infused human body will go to burn state and explode because the dna reject each other. The war is over but all the chimera live in society. The chimera looks like human, the only trait is that they have half long ear like elf.

There are some discrimination on them called them sub-humans, inferior species and they are treated like shit. MC have a cow dna in his body and was a cow demi human, he befriend a lion chimera. Together they live in slum and make a gang, they become a shoe skating gang and wreck havoc in city fighting other gang, stealing for their food , etc.

In first chapter, after they done with their recent gang activity one of their male members body was burning with fire. It is a sign of chimera rejection dna, the gang members then rushed him over to the sea and throw him as farewell party while crying. MC also befriend a chimera girl on his gang, after that incident mc was sulking and the girl cheering him up. They ended up having sex, after that when mc wake up, mc realized the chimera girl was bathing, but then her body got burned up, her body also show rejection, she die, her body exploded and blood splutted all over the bath room.

MC was devasted but his friend on gang managed to get his will up, there are also a new girl joining and it seems she was the chimera girl sister. it have 2-3 volumes and fully translated at mangadex
Sep 10, 2020

Do you remember the author name? Since you write you have read some mangas by the author, seems like you remember the author name
Sep 21, 2018
Definitely this one then
So the author is Yonekura Kengo
The ending was a bit disappointing for me back then, now I know it was cancelled... Darn shame because I really liked it.
Sep 24, 2020
thanks a lot yeah it was shame it got canceled

it was 1999 manga the drawing was not that bad and i think the sexual violence and the male prostitute was too much and it got canceled because of that

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