Love Agency - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Locus of Control

Dex-chan lover
Aug 19, 2023
based :meguupog:

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Defining yourself after how others view you. That's a bit on the shallow side. What that ends up with is that there is no "you", only the surface you show to others.

At least she's smart enough to realise a puppet isn't a normal person.

"It's almost like I'm the one trying to seduce Pon."
Well no, but actually yes. And yes, do try doing that. It'll be fun. For us, if nothing else.

Two of them realise that's going too far, and the one actually doing it is just too dumb to understand what she's doing.

Eh, you're not a creep if you think that feels pleasant. Not everyone is uncomfortable with physical contact, and guys tend to be more accepting with that, at least for the upper body.

At this point both guys are ahead of both girls, both in terms of likeability and intelligence.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2023
Who was that Kon? A replica of a certain Hollywood actress who lost in a certain trial? :facepalm:
Who was that Mari? A random addict on the street who lost her mind? :fml:
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
Since it wasn't defined in the update:

"Locus of control is the degree to which people believe they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives.

A person's locus is either internal (you believe that your actions control the events of your life) or external (you believe that external forces such as fate control your life)."

Which is very fitting when Mari has turned complete control over her life to Kon
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
There's some really interesting ideas in this manga that aren't really getting explored well. Like, Mari left her father with her mother who cheated on him, and has a need to push away people who might get too close (that's why she's pursuing Pon, because he doesn't seem like someone who she feels should be allowed to get close to her) and she wants to be a puppet are all things that are not in play for anything but jokes and delay. It feels like these things could easily be good fodder for progress and informal therapy (cause Mari needs a fucking therapist) but again, the need for the com part of romcom (despite this really being a romantic drama, imo) keeps getting in the way.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
Damn, this side is so unpleasent, let's just leave this garbage FML and focus on ML
I have a bad news to you.. The protagonist of this manga is this FML.. Of course there will be more of her..

But don't worry It's Aka he will also be covering the side character but don't have a high hope because he will not cover them until the end.. If you have read his previous work you will knew that..

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