Confused, all the dates are from the same year or sequential over multiple years? They having dinner in november after divorcing in august; or did she get called into the police station for two different events
Looks like 3 years, at the very least 2.
I think the very first two or three events MIGHT have had some going backward instead of forward in time, but she became a highly depressed reclusive shut-in again at some point, so the amount of things she did - outside of moping in bed - were probably low until she started dragging herself out of the very deepest part of that black-hole of depression.
So if this was 3 or more years and each event was advancing in time - she had one major noteworthy event in regards to this work at first then nothing of significance (for us) happened until the next year.
In the next two years she spiraled into a mentally worse place as Yu enabled her depression and she came to the realization of how trapped she felt by her 'wanting to be normal - but not being able to' and how guilty it made her to 'trap' a person like Yu in a relationship with 'a person like her, that couldn't even give him children or intimacy'.
Because of that mindset the number of noteworthy events increased until the drinking incident where she was likely trying to cope with the fear of Yu leaving her and perhaps had some panicked/contradictory hidden hope that if she stumbled home drunk enough to have sex that Yu wouldn't be disappointed or angry at her for getting drunk in the first place.
I imagine she might have felt somewhat of an obligation to get into a state that allowed her to have sex with her husband, she had to feel guilty for not being able to be intimate for a long period of time (also no sex = no kiddos = failure to her ideal of a normal wife).
Of course the saddest part is that Yu letting her go drink alone meant that he had likely given up on her, which she might have been aware of herself at least on some subconscious level by that point.
At least because of all this she started to become more aware of the aftereffects her own traumas, woke up to some of her more harmful unhealthy coping methods, and admitted to the things she simply didn't desire to do or couldn't bring herself to do to appease others - even if some of the things she believes she'll never be able to have for herself are rather sad to give up on.