To all you assholes bashing the author, first of all, he cant read what ur sayin. Second, its his manga. If he gets a random idea he wants to add, he can. This next point also applied to loli/shota: what happens in manga means nothing. I have seen plenty of 15th header, incest shit, and nothing is wrong with that. I'm not like that twards people, so what someone likes dorsnt make it ok to bash them, as the author probs doesn't even like this irl.
I'm so lazy, I couldnt type everyones name to tag you all... For everyone rereading, or all newcomers who hate this, FUCK YOU!

None of our opinions matter, so read the manga, or shut up amd read something else. Again, #YOLO #loveislove #itsfineforgays #ageisjustabumber?