Love Me for Who I Am

Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
This is so gay.

Also: If this is going to have romance between the trap in denial and MC you may as well stick a shounen ai tag to it.
Mar 3, 2018
just read kimi dake no ponytail because of the comments below, and it's great, i love all the "why gender?!" comments between all the fucking going on ?

but yeah, it's fantastic to see an agender/non-binary character in a manga; probably the first manga character i feel like i can actually identify with; it's validating/affirming af
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@libbies Kimi Dake no Ponytail is tbh like the cutest ero I've ever read, and the comments the characters often make about the irrelevance and uselessness of gender are super relatable.

I hope this manga does well with representing its possibly two trans women characters, which also really sticks out to me since it's hard enough to find even one manga with a trans woman character portrayed realistically.
Feb 20, 2018
dammit lolis are being endangered. fuck this shit. thats gonna be a no from me dawg...3 minutes of my life poof gone
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I find this ... interesting. Whether this manga fails or succeeds on its magazine, let it be decided by its quality, not by its politics *cough*American comics *cough*.
Jun 27, 2018
Gender is the most idiotic ideology mankind has ever come up with.

There are only 2 sexes in biology, but then some idiot came up with that "gender" bullshit that supposedly denies all science and tells you that you can identify as everything, and that this everything then somehow becomes reality.
WTF? It doesn't matter what you identify as, you still have only 1 of the two sexes (male or female, as functional hermaphroditism doesn't exist in humans) biologically tagged to you.

All that the gender shit does is forcing you and others to lie about your true self. Denying ones identity, especially in a phase where you still don't have much of an identity in terms of self-awareness(i.e during school, as the brain matures the most in the time-frame between the ages of 18 and 25);
School is mostly about educational ideology training and adjusting oneself to the society around. How can these kids even realize what they are talking about when they probably haven't read even one philosophical and/or scientific book in their life?

This description reminds me of Sweden, where people are now raised as "gender-neutral", basically as "its" instead of hes and shes...

People really need to bring out the pitchforks against this kind of poison which doesn't critically elaborate both psyche and physis of the human being. Don't let the "cuteness" of the propaganda deceive you!
Mar 24, 2018
You know, if i had to pick one thing that i hate about JP, that would be his neophyte acolytes. They may be even more annoying than longtime SH fans. Other than that i adore the man.

So i suggest to you the same thing that i'd suggested to other side of the barricade - move on to some other threads if you want to try to deconstruct the issue. Because last time i saw, you were freestyle gish galloping in lesbian incest pixiv comic thread. Why.

Can fetishists enjoy their emotional porn with no social commentary whatsoever?
Jan 26, 2018
And... we have an idiot that cannot distinguish between science and politics.

Human sexuality is something that exists, and the various labels are simple try to classify it (in broad classes), but reality has always for every classification you can think a good number of exception that falls outside of it.

In reality, everything you know is not always what reality is, or in simple words: the real world is more complex and weird than whatever you think you know, and probabilly the best thing to do is stop labelling or forcing label on everyone and treat every person as a different and unknow situation.

And yeah, there's a good number of people that want to be acknowedged as a different thing than her biological sex at a very deep mind level, or that don't like to have romance or sex with others in general, or ... the list is very very long. Every one of us needs simply to accept that, and don't forget that every other person has the same value as us, and need the same respect.

This manga is interesting (as for example, the starting of bloom into you) because is exploring this more weird and unique peoples, including a person that don't want to be acknowedged as woman or man, and it's its full right that other respect this.
May 20, 2018

Except that Gender was created by Cultural Anthropology and Anthropology in general to account for social roles within a societal environment. Gender roles being used to describe behaviors that are generally one gender or the other in a society (generally tribal which mankind has been for the vast majority of our history). An example would be native american societies in which men hunted and women cooked. However, some biological males within Native American societies identified more as female by taking on female social roles, and were even acknowledged as being of female spirit by the tribal society.

Sure, gender roles don't play as large a part within human society as they used to, and the global-ness of society means things get blurred, but you can't claim it's anti-science. Still, I'm of the opinion that gender is male and female almost exclusively, at least as a spectrum of behaviors. So being something that is neither is impossible. If it looks like a giraffe and acts like a giraffe it must be a giraffe.
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
Gotta love all this transphobia in the comments for a comic that's specifically about being trans and nonbinary inclusive. Like the audience for this is clearly LGBTQ Japanese readers. I'm not even joining in arguing with these people anymore, this comic is wholesome and it's not my or anyone's job to educate transphobic bigots about this in the comments section on a website.
Sep 7, 2018
Would people stop inducing politics discussion over my favorite manga pls >.> Let all love Mogumo <3
Aggregator gang
Aug 4, 2018
At this point I'm too curious to what he/she really is. Is he like a paradox? Schrodinger's gender? Like he's/she's both until observed or until he/she reveals the true nature of oneself? Wtf am I even saying?

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