Love Score - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Yuuji and Chise

Jan 20, 2018

Yeah I was confused at first too, had to reread a few times to make entirely sure I was getting it but it seems to all be entirely simulated. That's why he couldn't hear what they said during the confession 'scene'.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 27, 2018

Yes, the relationships are entirely simulated. Canonically, the users do not see the simulated relationship real time, as they only get the score and 20 selected pictures (not involving physical contact/intimacy) at the end. So the details of the relationship may be hinting at the sentience of the program experiencing the relationship as its own. Or it could be there just to titillate us readers. I've read to chapter 4 but that's still not clear. So I think if the story advances with the former premise, this story may have more depth than just empty fan service. And of course, there are implications regarding personal privacy too.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2019
All this did was confuse me, like did they breakup? The first part was an epilogue? He's cheating? His sister(Incest??). It was a prologue? This app basically assists you in grooming a partner too..

Edit: Nvm it's a simulation, still pretty creepy though, I like it I guess
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2020
Wasn't this the twist of a Black Mirror episode? Still an intriguing premise though. And cute art!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2018
Yo this really was so trippy when I 1st read this. Like I thought Yuuji didn't wanna tell his friend that he relied on an app to find her when it came to how they meet. This is very interesting and I wonder if it's only going to focus on Yuuji with other girls or different sets of people on the high end and even the low end. Thanks for the translation and look forward to the upcoming chapters.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
so the app accurately simulated EVERY ASPECT of his life for over 300 days, including : his internal thoughts, conversation with his friend, and sex life ?

time travel (changing the past) seems MUCH MORE feasible than this app.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 27, 2018

No, it doesn't. There's nothing in the chapter that makes any kind of guarantee that it's accurate, just that with more data, the reliability of the romantic compatibility score will be higher, which is a fairly obvious point. To that end, it's like weather forecasting, which is certainly not more complicated than time travel. And it is also an implicit admission that the score is not guaranteed to be accurate. It's just a best estimation based on the available data. It could be completely wrong or eerily correct, and you won't know for sure unless you go through with it. So why bother? Well, it's still more than nothing. It's a confidential data analysis where a third party analyzes the data without disclosing any of it to either party. You don't go into a relationship knowing the other person's financial state, his or her social media history, web browsing history etc. You still don't with this, but an impartial (hopefully) third party does that for you. In that, in the beginning at least, it's really no different from a traditional dating service where they "match" you based on who you've disclosed and what you said you wanted. It's important to note here that the details of the relationship is not shown to the users. What we've seen Yuuji and Chise do in this chapter, Yuuji never sees. All he sees is the score and 20 selected pictures.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
I don't mean 100% accuracy, but clearly high accuracy.

based on the single detailed simulation, instead of multiple simulations - which would make more sense for prediction simulation, it does seem like it shouldn't be too inaccurate.
the implication is that reliability drops only if he doesn't share enough personal data.

Also too many people are relying on the app if it's that inaccurate.

Of course, later chapters could describe the accuracy is actually low, but then this manga would be clearly inconsistent.

weather reports have high accuracy because it they predict based on analysis of previous weather patterns, but they don't simulate the results, and certainly not in this much detail
Active member
Dec 29, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!

Whenever i see TPBT release a chapter, even if it’s a new manga, i always click on it without reading the description unlike other mangas. The ones he picks up are really great.


Jan 23, 2018
Reminds me of that one episode of Black Mirror.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 27, 2018

Accuracy is actually unknown, and unknowable unless the user actually goes through with the relationship, and even then, its accuracy applies only to that particular relationship, and not to the simulation method as a whole, unless a systematic review of relationships that started with the app can be done . And it's actually quite wrong to say that "reliability drops only if he doesn't share enough personal data" because a particular result comes from the data that's already been provided. In order for your statement to be true, first a simulation has to run with a set of data, and then another one run immediately afterward with some of the data removed. And that's obviously not what's happening here. The manga had that line for a reason and I translated it as faithfully as I could, that your trust/confidence/sense of reliability of the result will be higher more data you provide. Does it make it more accurate? No, because that's an objective valuation that we cannot know as I stated already. So there's nothing fantastical or sci-fi about the app. The tech is probably a bit beyond what we have widely available, but is it that hard to come up with a multitude of common relationship issues and plug in data from our digital lives to see what our reactions are likely to be, and cross-reference it with our partner's likely choices? The real scary part is that people are apparently giving away their personal information to this company for what amounts to a cheesy dating app.

But yeah, there is no representation given about the accuracy of the simulation anywhere in the manga. Only thing that references it is that more information you provide, more trust/confidence/sense of reliability you can have on the result. Which is #1 an obvious point, and #2 a good way for the company to datamine the users even more thoroughly, so of course they'd say that.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
I'm thankful for this translation and your previous translations.
I don't think there is anything wrong with this series as a whole, so I'll still read this series.
I'm really sorry if my points sounded offensive/demotivating, so I promise not to comment about the app anymore.

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