I’ve been thinking about this manga compulsively for the past week… I know this is a long response but I honestly need to get my thoughts down on paper so I can stop thinking about this manga. This is the second manga I’ve ever obsessed about, the first one being on a leash. These are my thoughts that I’ve had about the manga for the past week. I know it’s long but it basically summarizes all the chapters so far which is why it’s long. I don’t know where else to submit this so here I go. These are my thoughts about the manga:
- Doyeon and Jinju are of the same coin. We see one of their first conversations is Jinju opening up to Doyeon about her parents while in church. Doyeon relates a lot to this. Jinju in a way represents what would happen if you disappoint your parents in a conditional relationship while Doyeon represents what happens if you keep your parents happy. When Jinju leaves her parents we can see in the background that they come from a wealthy family. Her family could have easily taken her back in but refused to after she disappoints them by marrying a guy when she’s 20. Doyeon hasn’t made a mistake and continues looking good for her family, therefore, continues getting support. Now I think doyeon admires jinju for going against her parents even if it ended up making her worse off because maybe doyeon wants to do the same thing but is such a people pleaser that she can’t. So in Doyeons eyes, this makes jinju strong in her own way.
- A lot of people seem to think Jinju is using Doyeon in the beginning. Jinju is much sweeter than people give her credit for. In one of their first interactions together Doyeon comes back home to see Jinju huddled in her couch with all the lights off not having eaten anything. Jinju did this so she wouldn’t be any sort of burden on Doyeon. This is the point in which Doyeon starts to develop feelings for Jinju. Jinju from here asks what she needs to do to stay here. I interpret this as her trying to give Doyeon something in return, and I mean at this point Jinju offers her body. Doyeon rejects Jinju’s request, and this is where we see Jinju start to relax a bit with Doyeon, which basically turns Doyeon on. (it’s Doyeon’s kink, satisfying Jinju xD). Even if Jinju did try to leave, I don’t think Doyeon would really let her. If Doyeon didn’t fall for Jinju, then yeah Jinju would have left after a few days. When Doyeon has her sex dream about Jinju, Jinju does grow concerned for Doyeon since it does seem like something is going on. The one scene in which Jinju touches Doyeon’s cheek seemed to be on impulse, because she is worried about Doyeon since it seems doyeon is stressed.