Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 33 - Chapter 33

Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
Regardless, we’ve already seen that. “That,” being Doyeon’s willingness to settle only for Jinju’s body. Chapter 21 being the earliest example. Hell, you could argue that Doyeon has been settling for a long time now, and that it’s only just now that she’s acknowledging it directly because she got her answer.

What do Doyeon and Jinju even know about each other? They bonded a bit in the earlier chapters, but they don’t know who the other is as a person, which isn’t something you’d expect between two characters that have been cohabitating for awhile now. Doyeon’s first impression of Jinju is someone lonely and in need of connection. That hasn’t changed, and all she realized in the span of all these chapters is that, one, Jinju is also a pessimist with an inclination towards apathy, and two, she can’t — doesn’t — love her. Two things? Only?

Doyeon is still such a mystery to Jinju that Jinju has nothing to add when the priest comments on Doyeon’s personality. All she can think to herself is that she has never seen Doyeon want anything, except for one thing. Chapter 30, for reference.

The story tells you that the two have talked, that they’ve spent time together, that they’ve done things besides fuck. But it doesn’t show you this. And when it does, it’s accompanied by dialogue that has already been said before. When the only interpersonal activities you’ve participated in with somebody else is sex, there’s going to be a certain flatness to y’alls relationship. I’m not saying that Jinju and Doyeon are one dimensional, but I am saying that I think there has to be a cap on the amount of times they have sex.

This chapter is a direct callback to chapter 22, where Doyeon earnestly confesses to a younger Jinju that she’ll be the one to love her. She’s rejected, wakes up in cold sweat, and initiates sex that is hard on Jinju physically, and herself mentally. It would’ve been a good parallel if it was framed to be one.

Instead, it’s a scene that is meant to show, once again, Doyeon’s neediness and her resultant loss of confidence in their relationship. I don’t see the need for this. For reference, they have sex for the first time in chapter 16, chapter 17 has a continuation of the sex scene from before, and in chapter 18 they fuck again.

Chapter 19, they’re separated, and Morae is the hit horse that moves the plot forward by playing antagonist.

Chapter 20, they have sex again. Chapter 21, more sex.

Chapter 22 is…I wouldn’t call it weightless exposition, because it definitely serves a purpose, but it also doesn’t do anything for Doyeon and Jinju’s relationship because, one, it’s a dream so it didn’t happen, and two, we as the audience have already seen Jinju pull away in chapter 17…and chapter 21. Literally only one chapter ago.

Chapter 23, sex. Jinju tops (everyone cheers)

Chapter 24, Doyeon stews in her own possessiveness. She’s been protective from the start though (see: chapter 3) We also get some info on her relationship with Morae. This does not impact her relationship with Jinju whatsoever.

Chapter 25, Jinju pulls away, Doyeon gets upset about it. Sex. There’s little opportunity for them to bond because Doyeon is wrapped up in her feelings for Jinju and wants them to behave more like a couple; whereas, Jinju is uninterested. They have sex however. The closest thing to being lovers they’ve done the entire day.

Chapter 26. See above. Sex! Jinju reminisces over her husband. Once again unrelated to Doyeon, and doesn’t impact her relationship with her much.

Chapter 27, Doyeon’s shrewdness is expanded on. Nothing happens that would impact her relationship with Jinju romantically.

Chapter 28, we finally get a meaningful conversation. Doyeon attempts to help Jinju and Jinju immediately shuts her down. Jinju doesn’t take what she perceives to be Ms. Hwang belittling Doyeon lightly, and defends her honor. She kisses Doyeon on her own for the first time. Feels true affection for her, now that Doyeon has been humanized as someone who does have faults and isn’t unconditionally loved by her peers. Someone, who is an equal. And it is this fact that comforts Jinju and makes her lower her guard.

Chapter 29, Gunwoo pines and has his 200k hurt / no comfort moment. Doyeon confesses that she doesn’t want to need the person she loves, she wants to be needed instead. Jinju admits to an unconscious Doyeon that she might like her. This doesn’t impact their relationship though, because neither of them are at the scene to hear what the other has said.

Chapter 30…sex. Minimal bonding once again since Jinju and Doyeon talk to separate people at the church.

Chapter 31, sex! Doyeon felon arc too. Breaking into another person’s house isn’t legal, babygirl 😋

Chapter 32, Morae backstory. We get exposition on Doyeon’s character, and the root of Morae’s hatred towards her. Jinju denies Doyeon a relationship that goes beyond contractual.

Chapter 33, sex.

Do you see where I might be a little frustrated? Their relationship remains stagnant because they have sex instead of talk. They are literally back at square one with the addition of this latest chapter; like I said, when the only interpersonal activities two characters participate in is sex, it’s going to be very difficult for their romance or love for each other to feel genuine. Why does Doyeon love Jinju so much? Jinju is just another person for Doyeon to help, we as the audience still don’t know why Jinju is so special to her even though it’s been 33 chapters. We’re just supposed to accept that Doyeon loves her. Why?
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
i don't think so? it showed that doyeon is so desperate for love and her conception of it so distorted that she is willing to accept literally anything... even if it's only the body of a depressed married woman unable to love her...
in this scene doyeon was so sad it didn't even seem she was enjoying it, that's why she wanted to do it fast ig... but who knows

also, thank you <3 (i'm just really hooked with this, here's why the speedy updates lol)

yeah holy shit seriously i lost my bet about the next sex location goddamnit
GAH, MY REPLY TO THIS DIDN’T SEND PROPERLY 😭 Imma assume that the reply can still be viewed though, just not in connection to this thread.

Either way, I really don’t think the sex scene this chapter was warranted. It really doesn’t serve a purpose, at least in my opinion. All Jinju and Doyeon have been doing so far IS have sex so I find it ridiculous that the last chapter ends on such a big cliffhanger…only for this chapter to resolve it with sex of all things. Like? HELP. It feels so cheap, idk
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
GAH, MY REPLY TO THIS DIDN’T SEND PROPERLY 😭 Imma assume that the reply can still be viewed though, just not in connection to this thread.

Either way, I really don’t think the sex scene this chapter was warranted. It really doesn’t serve a purpose, at least in my opinion. All Jinju and Doyeon have been doing so far IS have sex so I find it ridiculous that the last chapter ends on such a big cliffhanger…only for this chapter to resolve it with sex of all things. Like? HELP. It feels so cheap,
What you mean? 😂 we got to see jinju squirt in this scene and she hasn’t done that before.

You are right though they don’t talk enough. They both have very high walls with each other. The one time they let themselves be honest is through sex. Jinju rejects doyeon but then they proceed to have sex with each other. Why? They have a lot of sex yet jinju is married and very religious, breaking the most religious rule in marriage. And she does it willingly and with pleasure. Love thy neighbor? Hmm

I think the sex could be a metaphor to something. Maybe defiling religion in itself and all the rules it governs. Maybe each sex scene represents a part of their relationship that gets shown.

1. The first time they have sex is to open their relationship up to become physical. Jinju thinks it’s going to be how sex is like with her husband: uneventful. The results? She’s shocked but of course she doesn’t let doyeon know. When asked jinju if she was in pain? Jinju hides the fact that it’s probably been a very very long time since she’s came. Her response to doyeon is simply “no” hiding all this information about her past life. Because yes jinju has some high walls.

2. The second time is to demonstrate doyeons eagerness to HAVE jinju physically, surprising jinju. Also for jinju to use as fuel against morae. Which we see jinju being possessive of doyeon in her own way talking to morae

3. After the great slap they have sex. We see jinju finds comfort in them having sex, and used it to comfort herself. We then see doyeon trying to confess but jinju stops her. This is our first hint jinju doesn’t want doyeon to confess.

4. The fourth time we see doyeon being aggressive and insecure. After she wakes up from her dream. When she gets insecure she fucks jinju. Jinju tries to comfort doyeon by fucking her too. So we know they both officially get comfort from fucking each other.

5. The fifth time we see doyeon not afraid to punish jinju and control her through sex with the bathroom scene. We see jinju gets more wet from it than usual. It’s not about comfort this time, it’s punishment.

6. Doyeon tríes to back off and not have sex with jinju. Why? Maybe she doesn’t like how she snaps and loses control or she’s scared she might scare jinju away. Jinju gets insecure, she feels something is missing when they don’t fuck. She compares it to someone misplacing her keys. I think it bothers jinju more than she likes to admit. But she tries to compare it to something simple and is like “wouldn’t it bother anyone if you had keys misplaced?” Lol like no it wouldn’t bother anyone. It’s like she can’t admit to herself how annoyed she’s been feeling about it. It doesn’t feel natural for her so we see her initiate sex. Jinju is very subtle about it, everything she does is subtle as if not wanting to say anything directly. she grabs doyeons wrist and kisses her cut. She keeps kissing it until doyeon loses her cool. Did she need to do that? No. She wanted to have sex. And to say even after getting punished through sex she’s still fine with it.

7. Doyeon is as angry as we’ve ever seen her and fucks jinju. She also knows jinju won’t be running away and quite literally is fine with doyeon doing whatever she wants. Imagine someone rejects you in a love confession but then says you can fuck their body however you want right after? It’s like jinju knows this is how they comfort each other and is fine with doyeon using her whenever she needs to. Doyeon feels insecure, controlling, and wants to punish jinju. What’s the result? Jinju loses control of her body and squirts on doyeon. What does this say about jinju?

Sex between these two represents an attempt to comfort each other. It’s to “lick each other’s wounds” and hope to find some sort of love. We see it used as punishment or used to control another person. This pushes their relationship forward because they can only do it with each other and no one else. Creating a stronger bond with each other. The only issue is Both of these characters don’t know how to open up with each other. They both don’t know how to show they love each other. Their walls are quite literally so high that the only way they know how to express themselves is through sex. Doyeon thinks jinju doesn’t love her but jinju does she just literally can’t express herself for the life of her. Now why does doyeon love jinju? They’re both lonely characters that have been abandoned for a long time now. Doyeon can relate to how jinju feels, jinju sees doyeon for who she is and isn’t at all bothered.

I do think you’ll see more talking in the next couple of chapters or more relationship stuff. The only purpose now for sex is if they actually fuck each other out of love rather than comfort now. Since it has been pretty well established at every angle that they have comfort through sex. I also think that the professor will help push them forward by telling doyeon a side of jinju doyeon May have not known.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2019
I mean i get the walls that they have up, however i cant really blame them? Those women literally are still strangers to eachother even if they live together. I mean its like having a roommate you met randomly, yall live together but its not like you know everything about them. In their mind especially jinju’s mind this is still only a temporary measure that will stop once her husband is back so why would she need to spill everything to doyeon? At this point only doyeon wants to make this a permanent thing. Like it would be weird to me if they just started being all lovey dovey when jinju is still in debt and is MARRIED to someone who literally distorted her heart and doyeon who never knew what love was and never even genuinely liked anyone not only romantically (until now) and still has her family situation to worry about and not to not fck up their campaign, like there is more going on then just their love live.

I mean they cant even really leave the house and jinju already shut down couple like stuff and bring up boys constantly not even 7chapters ago and ppl really thought they would suddenly go out and date lmao? ,also Jinju said from the jump that she has nothing else to offer but her body ( that she is using to 1. Comfort her or doyeon or 2. “Pay” doyeon back for staying in her house),so i dont get why ppl are so shocked by the amount of sex in this gl? Sex is like a staple in this story to show doyeon and jinjus nature without using to many words, Like especially in this chapter doyeon said jinju always has stopped her from confessing so what was she supposed to do? Jinju is always the one seducing (literally even before they were having sex ) knowing that this doyeon “weak spot”. she didnt want her to confess cuz again jinju has said only her body was up as an offer and she clearly wanted to avoid this situation and of course avoidance leads to stretchinh out something that was meant to happen.

i guess after this we will def get more depth on the characters and the storyline but i feel like this was the jumpstart to set it off. i mean i like where the story is going ,but like some ppl said if its not for sex scenes they are almost never seen together. Also tbh i already kinda knew this author style lmao and just to tell y’all they are probably going to make this a LONG story. Their other story was 200+ch for no reason and i feel like this one is feeling a bit similar ,but def better cuz it was a bizarre story and not one i would recommend lmao… but yeah the machine has been oiled now can we go to reparations or something
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
What you mean? 😂 we got to see jinju squirt in this scene and she hasn’t done that before.

You are right though they don’t talk enough. They both have very high walls with each other. The one time they let themselves be honest is through sex. Jinju rejects doyeon but then they proceed to have sex with each other. Why? They have a lot of sex yet jinju is married and very religious, breaking the most religious rule in marriage. And she does it willingly and with pleasure. Love thy neighbor? Hmm

I think the sex could be a metaphor to something. Maybe defiling religion in itself and all the rules it governs. Maybe each sex scene represents a part of their relationship that gets shown.

1. The first time they have sex is to open their relationship up to become physical. Jinju thinks it’s going to be how sex is like with her husband: uneventful. The results? She’s shocked but of course she doesn’t let doyeon know. When asked jinju if she was in pain? Jinju hides the fact that it’s probably been a very very long time since she’s came. Her response to doyeon is simply “no” hiding all this information about her past life. Because yes jinju has some high walls.

2. The second time is to demonstrate doyeons eagerness to HAVE jinju physically, surprising jinju. Also for jinju to use as fuel against morae. Which we see jinju being possessive of doyeon in her own way talking to morae

3. After the great slap they have sex. We see jinju finds comfort in them having sex, and used it to comfort herself. We then see doyeon trying to confess but jinju stops her. This is our first hint jinju doesn’t want doyeon to confess.

4. The fourth time we see doyeon being aggressive and insecure. After she wakes up from her dream. When she gets insecure she fucks jinju. Jinju tries to comfort doyeon by fucking her too. So we know they both officially get comfort from fucking each other.

5. The fifth time we see doyeon not afraid to punish jinju and control her through sex with the bathroom scene. We see jinju gets more wet from it than usual. It’s not about comfort this time, it’s punishment.

6. Doyeon tríes to back off and not have sex with jinju. Why? Maybe she doesn’t like how she snaps and loses control or she’s scared she might scare jinju away. Jinju gets insecure, she feels something is missing when they don’t fuck. She compares it to someone misplacing her keys. I think it bothers jinju more than she likes to admit. But she tries to compare it to something simple and is like “wouldn’t it bother anyone if you had keys misplaced?” Lol like no it wouldn’t bother anyone. It’s like she can’t admit to herself how annoyed she’s been feeling about it. It doesn’t feel natural for her so we see her initiate sex. Jinju is very subtle about it, everything she does is subtle as if not wanting to say anything directly. she grabs doyeons wrist and kisses her cut. She keeps kissing it until doyeon loses her cool. Did she need to do that? No. She wanted to have sex. And to say even after getting punished through sex she’s still fine with it.

7. Doyeon is as angry as we’ve ever seen her and fucks jinju. She also knows jinju won’t be running away and quite literally is fine with doyeon doing whatever she wants. Imagine someone rejects you in a love confession but then says you can fuck their body however you want right after? It’s like jinju knows this is how they comfort each other and is fine with doyeon using her whenever she needs to. Doyeon feels insecure, controlling, and wants to punish jinju. What’s the result? Jinju loses control of her body and squirts on doyeon. What does this say about jinju?

Sex between these two represents an attempt to comfort each other. It’s to “lick each other’s wounds” and hope to find some sort of love. We see it used as punishment or used to control another person. This pushes their relationship forward because they can only do it with each other and no one else. Creating a stronger bond with each other. The only issue is Both of these characters don’t know how to open up with each other. They both don’t know how to show they love each other. Their walls are quite literally so high that the only way they know how to express themselves is through sex. Doyeon thinks jinju doesn’t love her but jinju does she just literally can’t express herself for the life of her. Now why does doyeon love jinju? They’re both lonely characters that have been abandoned for a long time now. Doyeon can relate to how jinju feels, jinju sees doyeon for who she is and isn’t at all bothered.

I do think you’ll see more talking in the next couple of chapters or more relationship stuff. The only purpose now for sex is if they actually fuck each other out of love rather than comfort now. Since it has been pretty well established at every angle that they have comfort through sex. I also think that the professor will help push them forward by telling doyeon a side of jinju doyeon May have not known.

I’m ngl to you, I still think that the sex scenes so far serve little purpose. The ones in the beginning? Sure. But do you see the amount of times sex occurs at this point? And in quick succession too? The pace is off. We go, on average, maybe 2 chapters without sex? It makes the story feel like it’s meandering.

If your only tool in showing the progression, or in this case the recession, of a relationship is through sex…that’s not good writing. I don’t think Jinju and Doyeon have sex to comfort each other as much as it is Jinju attempting to compensate Doyeon for her “trouble” and Doyeon wanting to possess Jinju — who is probably her first love.

I don’t think a romance should always be insta-love or lovey-dovey. I prefer slowburn. But at the rate this story is going, all they’re doing is having sex. You could show toxicity through other means, such as clashing values, the disparity in wealth, their age gap and the maturity gap that comes with it, etc.

These subjects come up but are never expanded on in favor of bumping clits and that’s saurrrrr…!!!!
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
I mean i get the walls that they have up, however i cant really blame them? Those women literally are still strangers to eachother even if they live together. I mean its like having a roommate you met randomly, yall live together but its not like you know everything about them. Like it would be weird to me if they just started being all lovey dovey when jinju is still in debt and is MARRIED to someone who literally distorted her heart and doyeon who never knew what love was and never even genuinely liked anyone not only romantically (until now) and still has her family situation to worry about and not to not fck up their campaign, like there is more going on then just their love live.

I mean they cant even really leave the house and jinju already shut down couple like stuff and bring up boys constantly not even 7chapters ago and ppl really thought they would suddenly go out and date lmao? ,also Jinju said from the jump that she has nothing else to offer but her body ( that she is using to 1. Comfort her or doyeon or 2. “Pay” doyeon back for staying in her house),so i dont get why ppl are so shocked by the amount of sex in this gl? Sex is like a staple in this story to show doyeon and jinjus nature without using to many words, Like especially in this chapter doyeon said jinju always has stopped her from confessing so what was she supposed to do? Jinju is always the one seducing (literally even before they were having sex ) knowing that this doyeon “weak spot”. she didnt want her to confess cuz again jinju has said only her body was up as an offer and she clearly wanted to avoid this situation and of course avoidance leads to stretchinh out something that was meant to happen.

i guess after this we will def get more depth on the characters and the storyline but i feel like this was the jumpstart to set it off. i mean i like where the story is going ,but like some ppl said if its not for sex scenes they are almost never seen together. Also tbh i already kinda knew this author style lmao and just to tell y’all they are probably going to make this a LONG story. Their other story was 200+ch for no reason and i feel like this one is feeling a bit similar ,but def better cuz it was a bizarre story and not one i would recommend lmao… but yeah the machine has been oiled now can we go to reparations or something
It is less the amount of sex that is shocking, and more the fact that it’s literally the only thing that happens between the main characters, LMFAOOOOO. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me, straight to my face, that they fuck a “normal” amount?

They literally fuck so much, plot points such as Doyeon’s childhood, Jinju’s husband and how they fell into debt in the first place, and the debt collectors…don’t really play a big role. The stakes aren’t there because something big happens one chapter, and then the next, we have a sex scene. Like, when I tell you that I didn’t expect Doyeon to wake up and immediately try and fuck Jinju after that dream she had of talking to her younger counterpart? GIRL YOU JUST GOT YOUR ASS REJECTED!!! STAND UP!? And I think that that sex scene held weight in showing Doyeon’s growing feelings, LAWL!

I genuinely can’t get invested in the plot when I feel like the minute the plot is moving forward…it’s stopped in its tracks to make room for a sex scene. I just can’t. And this applies to all the shit I read.

I don’t see how Jinju being against romance from the start, or seeing herself as an object that Doyeon can exploit at any time, justifies the weird ass pacing. I mean, come on, a sex scene right after 2 chapters? Back to back? AAAHHH!!! collapses

They don’t have to be sweet to each other. In fact, they don’t even have to be in love. The problem is is that the author has established that Doyeon is head over heels, and that Jinju has feelings of her own for Doyeon…so? Am I wrong for wanting to see these feelings not be catalysted by sex? 🧑‍🚀
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Fed-Kun's army
Nov 10, 2019
Humans communicate in many different ways, through words, gestures, actions, arguments. When words are too hurtful and yet you have a lot more to say i can understand how this couple can resort to sex, not only because it's a "less hurtful" medium, it's also a method they are most accustomed too. Doyeon is inexperienced with the feelings of "want" and she's probably even less experienced with not getting what she wants, hopefully she doesn't go hog wild tho.
I always ready myself for angst when i'm reading yuri yet it still destroys me all the same..
Dex-chan lover
Oct 8, 2018
Well, Doyeon showed a part of herself that I really didn't expect
It's keep getting deeper, twisted and really interesting every chapter
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2019
It is less the amount of sex that is shocking, and more the fact that it’s literally the only thing that happens between the main characters, LMFAOOOOO. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me, straight to my face, that they fuck a “normal” amount?

They literally fuck so much, plot points such as Doyeon’s childhood, Jinju’s husband and how they fell into debt in the first place, and the debt collectors…don’t really play a big role. The stakes aren’t there because something big happens one chapter, and then the next, we have a sex scene. Like, when I tell you that I didn’t expect Doyeon to wake up and immediately try and fuck Jinju after that dream she had of talking to her younger counterpart? GIRL YOU JUST GOT YOUR ASS REJECTED!!! STAND UP!? And I think that that sex scene held weight in showing Doyeon’s growing feelings, LAWL!

I genuinely can’t get invested in the plot when I feel like the minute the plot is moving forward…it’s stopped in its tracks to make room for a sex scene. I just can’t. And this applies to all the shit I read.

I don’t see how Jinju being against romance from the start, or seeing herself as an object that Doyeon can exploit at any time, justifies the weird ass pacing. I mean, come on, a sex scene right after 2 chapters? Back to back? AAAHHH!!! collapses
No i def agree with it hence the little note at the end HAHAH cuz yeah we never see them together if its not for that and yeah its like a big giant bomb dropping on us and then… boom sex scene lmao. idk im not an author and my mind is all over the place when readin this gl and writing this comments ,but ig the sex scenes are just to show that their relationship now is prob just physical and transactionary rather than emotional maybe? idk ig im just not all to bothered by it bc the story moves on after it anyways but yeah the pacing is weird cuz ik the storyline hasnt it been months? but i think its just a way to strech the story who knows

But yeah about the amount of it im not shocked i mean they started at 15ch i saw it coming like any author who starts that early with sex scenes… you know that you gonna see a lot of it so im not really weirded out im just like okay… next scene w plot😆 more than being like its a normal amount
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
No i def agree with it hence the little note at the end HAHAH cuz yeah we never see them together if its not for that and yeah its like a big giant bomb dropping on us and then… boom sex scene lmao. idk im not an author and my mind is all over the place when readin this gl and writing this comments ,but ig the sex scenes are just to show that their relationship now is prob just physical and transactionary rather than emotional maybe? idk ig im just not all to bothered by it bc the story moves on after it anyways but yeah the pacing is weird cuz ik the storyline hasnt it been months? but i think its just a way to strech the story who knows
Gahh, I see a lot of people saying that. That it’s just their nature and how they communicate…but that doesn’t really matter to me, ya know? Cuz we have already had so many scenes showcasing their “nature” and the way they talk.

Isn’t it about time that they sit down and hash things out? Without a certain wetness flooding their system? 😭

I say this because they’re supposed to be in love. Jinju is protective of Doyeon because she is fond of her and it’s still dubious whether what she feels for her is romantic or not, but it is definitely not indifference. Doyeon is absolutely in love.

And yet…we have only one chapter where they exchange romantic banter without any sex (chapter 27) and that kills me, brahhhh. Because Doyeon is obsessed with Jinju and I just don’t get where this stems from??? Babygirl, I don’t even know why you’re a milf-chaser, like, this is getting bad!!

Once again, there are so many other ways for these characters to communicate without communicating. We could see more of their maturity gap. Doyeon’s romanticism is flagrant with how she openly yearns for a married woman that is a good few decades her senior…do we need her humping Jinju’s leg like a dog for this to be further touched on?

Maturity gap, age gap, disparity in wealth, education, life experience, values and principles, including personalities…these are all bought up…but not utilized. Instead, SEX IS! IT KILLS MEEEE, AURGHHHHH rolls on the ground I can tell that this story has a lot of potential, I just wanna see it through
Dex-chan lover
Mar 29, 2023
@ButterflyOnSun Well... to be fair, I think even the author thinks there's too much sex: "Even now, I still don't feel like I'm drawing a sexy manga, and I just feel like a pervert _^^ // Maybe it's because the content is perverted...." - from the author's twitter- At least it seems they are enjoying it.
I get your point, I also find it frustrating because I want so much to know more about Doyeon's past, but I'm gonna be honest... I'm a degenerate horny person, so I can't really complain about the sex/plot ratio (sorry, not sorry).

There’s this manhwa that I really love called Love For Sale, and the English version updates on Wednesdays on Lezhin with this one as well. In the beginning, there were a lot of sex scenes that went back and forth, but one thing that I really liked was that the ML very clearly viewed the sex as an obligation and didn’t really participate out of any sexual desire. But after 40 chapters of abstinence, and him falling in love along the way, his behavior when he and the MC have sex…changes. He blushes, gets embarrassed, is more susceptible to cutting foreplay early and giving in to impatience; not only does how long it took for them to have sex again play a part in showing how far they came as a couple, but it also moves along the plot because we’re getting character development through the sex scene.
I feel like you would like Form of Sympathy / The Shape of Sympathy if you haven't read it already. Apologies if I'm wrong.

Chapter 23, sex. Jinju tops (everyone cheers)
:dogkek: lol
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
@ButterflyOnSun Well... to be fair, I think even the author thinks there's too much sex: "Even now, I still don't feel like I'm drawing a sexy manga, and I just feel like a pervert _^^ // Maybe it's because the content is perverted...." - from the author's twitter- At least it seems they are enjoying it.
I get your point, I also find it frustrating because I want so much to know more about Doyeon's past, but I'm gonna be honest... I'm a degenerate horny person, so I can't really complain about the sex/plot ratio (sorry, not sorry).

I feel like you would like Form of Sympathy / The Shape of Sympathy if you haven't read it already. Apologies if I'm wrong.

:dogkek: lol
MWAHA! I’ve seen that tweet before, I laughed at it myself. I love it when writers are self-aware. I will admit that I, in a bout of pettiness, thought to myself: “mayhaps the constant sex scenes are easier for them to draw…and they have been missing a few deadlines lately…”

Giggles. I love the author, no disrespect to them, but a girl has to wonder!

I have tried to read The Shape Of Sympathy before, but I couldn’t get into it 😭 Thank you so much for the rec tho, that’s so sweet omg. Despite how my comments might come off, I’m absolutely a degenerate too, FUCKKK!!! I love sex in series! It’s the highest form of intimacy for me and beyond kissing and handholding, if a romance doesn’t have at least one (1) sex scene, I’m going to be bored out of my mind.

That being said, I also care a lot about pacing and Love Thy Neighbor isn’t presented as a porn without plot. Like, with Full Volume, I let all the obnoxious sex scenes go and enjoyed it for what it was…because what it was is a porn without plot and it’s shamelessly proud of it too. Love Thy Neighbor comes off to me as a psychological thriller less than a romance or erotica, so it bugs me that they focus so much on the sex. The repetition and off-pace makes me feel like the characters don’t exist as individuals that grow with the series. Cuz they don’t get the chance…to grow? Does that make sense!! I’m only critical of it because I like itttt, this is how I show my love…I gen hope that people don’t think I’m shitting on the story or the author, I’m a fan! I’M ONE OF YOU!! I just…have a few setbacks, that’s all!!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
MWAHA! I’ve seen that tweet before, I laughed at it myself. I love it when writers are self-aware. I will admit that I, in a bout of pettiness, thought to myself: “mayhaps the constant sex scenes are easier for them to draw…and they have been missing a few deadlines lately…”

Giggles. I love the author, no disrespect to them, but a girl has to wonder!

I have tried to read The Shape Of Sympathy before, but I couldn’t get into it 😭 Thank you so much for the rec tho, that’s so sweet omg. Despite how my comments might come off, I’m absolutely a degenerate too, FUCKKK!!! I love sex in series! It’s the highest form of intimacy for me and beyond kissing and handholding, if a romance doesn’t have at least one (1) sex scene, I’m going to be bored out of my mind.

That being said, I also care a lot about pacing and Love Thy Neighbor isn’t presented as a porn without plot. Like, with Full Volume, I let all the obnoxious sex scenes go and enjoyed it for what it was…because what it was is a porn without plot and it’s shamelessly proud of it too. Love Thy Neighbor comes off to me as a psychological thriller less than a romance or erotica, so it bugs me that they focus so much on the sex. The repetition and off-pace makes me feel like the characters don’t exist as individuals that grow with the series. Cuz they don’t get the chance…to grow? Does that make sense!! I’m only critical of it because I like itttt, this is how I show my love…I gen hope that people don’t think I’m shitting on the story or the author, I’m a fan! I’M ONE OF YOU!! I just…have a few setbacks, that’s all!!
Lol maybe the author is having a hard time establishing the manga as a romance and so is just throwing sex scenes left and right. I have to give props to the author because I’ve never seen a manga like this before.

The sex scenes don’t really bother me. In fact, I had a feeling I was going to read a sex scene in this chapter. To me it just seems like it matches doyeons character and their stage in this relationship. Like literally they act like two addicted horny high schoolers that just figured out the amount of pleasure they get from sex. I also think there’s a part of doyeon we haven’t seen yet.

Also, I mean this WEBTOON is labeled as a romance 😂🤷‍♀️. So like if these two don’t have mutual feelings for each other than I feel like the author wouldn’t advertise it as a romance. Will it be a happy ending? Like idk how this author is going to end these two women.

Also I really can’t imagine this author making this 200 plus chapters.
I mean we can talk about the drama if the husband comes back, the loan sharks finding doyeon, doyeon finding her real parents, jinju finding her real parents, people finding out about their relationship etc, or we could just not. I you’ll also have to add in the sex scene every other two chapters. But honestly if this author writes a 200 chapter manga with a sex scene every 2-5 chapters then they deserve a reward. Jinju and doyeon would be doing some hardcore bdsm by the end of it like 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2023
wow this chapter.... after reading the comments on the last ch why am i not surprised they had punishement oiling 😭. also to the comment above who said the husband will walk in.... after seeing all the possible routes that couldve been taken i assume either the loan sharks or her husband will walk right in through the door THEY NEVER CLOSED

Group Leader
Feb 11, 2023
Cuz they don’t get the chance…to grow?
How can they grow when we just realised that we know very little about them... which is kinda the point. That they both put up this wall that ends up in a complete lack of real communication. When they do try to """lower""" their defences, one of them or both just get hurt so everything resolves to sex.
It really doesn’t serve a purpose, at least in my opinion.
It made me extremely depressed so to me it didn't feel useless. I am not able to pinpoint one sex scene (nor any part of the story) where I'd say "yeah skip this it doesn't give me any more info"... At least this goes for me, until now. Even if the author is stretching the story, I appreciate how they can still make these sex scenes seem to be part of the plot. That's because there's always some detail dropped along the lines that has me thinking about it... I don't know any GL that does that.
it’s going to be very difficult for their romance or love for each other to feel genuine
I think this is, again, the point of their relationship for now. I think people are trying too hard to search for any hint of love between these two broken characters
They literally fuck so much, plot points such as Doyeon’s childhood, Jinju’s husband and how they fell into debt in the first place, and the debt collectors…don’t really play a big role.
We know doyeon had a shit childhood and jinju had some rough times in her marriage because of money, parents, etc. These things are just not explored yet, so I am curious too. I like that we know the bare minimum about them, but still enough to let us analyze their character.
weird ass pacing. I mean, come on, a sex scene right after 2 chapters?
Every chapter gives me the right amount of information (and lots of oiling) that keeps my attention high, so I don't find this pacing weird. I'm a simple minded person lol

Why does Doyeon love Jinju so much?
I don't really need a reason for someone to love someone else... if what doyeon feels is healthy love, that is
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
How can they grow when we just realised that we know very little about them... which is kinda the point. That they both put up this wall that ends up in a complete lack of real communication. When they do try to """lower""" their defences, one of them or both just get hurt so everything resolves to sex.

It made me extremely depressed so to me it didn't feel useless. I am not able to pinpoint one sex scene (nor any part of the story) where I'd say "yeah skip this it doesn't give me any more info"... At least this goes for me, until now. Even if the author is stretching the story, I appreciate how they can still make these sex scenes seem to be part of the plot. That's because there's always some detail dropped along the lines that has me thinking about it... I don't know any GL that does that.

I think this is, again, the point of their relationship for now. I think people are trying too hard to search for any hint of love between these two broken characters

We know doyeon had a shit childhood and jinju had some rough times in her marriage because of money, parents, etc. These things are just not explored yet, so I am curious too. I like that we know the bare minimum about them, but still enough to let us analyze their character.

Every chapter gives me the right amount of information (and lots of oiling) that keeps my attention high, so I don't find this pacing weird. I'm a simple minded person lol

I don't really need a reason for someone to love someone else... if what doyeon feels is healthy love, that is
I think if I were to write out a long winded response to this, I’d only just be repeating all the points I’ve discussed already, so I’ll leave it at an impasse.

I don’t think we “just” realized we know very little about them 😭 33 chapters is no joke, if the author is unable to establish nuance to the point that you, as a reader, are saying that we don’t know much about them outside a sexual context…herlpppp, that’s only telling on the story itself, ain’t it?

I will say. You’re the scanlator, so you’re the one going through these chapters and putting in the labor to typeset and clean; if you don’t feel like the constant sex scenes are something to side-eye, then it’s probably not. Doesn’t change my thoughts on it tho!! Like, I see where everyone is coming from, but this sex scene does absolutely nothing for the story because it’s literally just a repeat of shit we’ve already seen. The most I can argue for its case is that them fucking in the house where Jinju and her husband lived in, on top of the table they presumably ate together at, is supposed to show how far gone they are…but that’s also nothing new? HELPPP, idk. Imma leave it at that, I’ve argued my case.

I’m just hoping, moving forward? That we get less sex scenes and more narrative. There are other ways for a relationship to be dysfunctional without it all boiling down to: “let’s not talk with words, but with our bodies.” — that trope only really works in a context where the story is a psychosexual drama…not a webtoon marketed as a psychological romance, romance being the keyword. I don’t see how these characters are attracted to each other when most of their attraction is attributed to their sex 😵

Exit’s That Way is another really good GL that has a similar premise (minus the intended codependency) where the main characters live together. I thought that their romance was very well developed, even if one of the characters is still in the process of recognizing their feelings, and I found the sex scenes between them — as mindless as they are — to be deserved BECAUSE of how the story established the characters’ backgrounds and ambitions first.

Being “broken” doesn’t mean you can’t love. The author purposely made Jinju kiss Doyeon on her own + have that mini epiphany where she questions her attraction to her. Doyeon doesn’t need to be spoken for. They’re supposed to be in love, it’s only natural to want to look for signs of this and end up confused when there are little to none.
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